PROBLEM: app-backup/rear bails out with error message "Cannot find kernel" INVOCATION: rear -d -D mkrescue INVESTIGATION: Log file shows that Rear is looking for the kernel file called kernel-genkernel-i686-4.9.6-gentoo-r1. However, kernel (and initrd) are generated by Genkernel - which names the file kernel-genkernel-x86-4.9.6-gentoo-r1. This only appears to affect System CHOST = i686-pc-linux-gnu (I have an x86_64 host which works without issue)
ReaR relies on the output of uname -m to determine the machine architecture. i686 in my case. Does Genkernel use a more simplistic approach to naming?
I have created a new ebuild for ReaR 2.4 (, can you please verify if the problem still exists with that version?