Scanning an image from within GIMP causes the following error message for me: GIMP Message WARNING: Plug-In "xsane" (/usr/lib64/gimp/2.0/plug-ins/xsane) called deprecated procedure 'gimp-image-add-layer'. It should call 'gimp-image-insert-layer' instead! This does seem to be an old problem: has a report for this dating 2011. Apparently their problem went away at some point. But I'm not sure where they keep their package build instructions, so I don't know what made the problem go away for them. I also don't know where xsane development is taking place these days. The website mentions 0.998 from 2010 as the most recent release. The most recent files in the 0.999 tarball are from 2013. Is there anything more recent? Is there a bug reporting channel more suitable than the sane-devel mailing list, which the xsane author doesn't read according to In case it matters, I have media-gfx/gimp-2.9.4-r2 here at the moment.