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Bug 61023 - Some boot scripts are not executed/no output is shown
Summary: Some boot scripts are not executed/no output is shown
Alias: None
Product: Gentoo Linux
Classification: Unclassified
Component: [OLD] baselayout (show other bugs)
Hardware: x86 Linux
: High normal
Assignee: Greg Kroah-Hartman (RETIRED)
Depends on:
Reported: 2004-08-20 05:53 UTC by Christian Hesse
Modified: 2004-11-10 11:51 UTC (History)
1 user (show)

See Also:
Package list:
Runtime testing required: ---


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Description Christian Hesse 2004-08-20 05:53:43 UTC
Some of my boot scripts make problems. If I boot my system ntp-client reports an error. If this happens wireless (my own script that associates with my ap) and net.eth2 (for my wireless card) do not output anything. But the scripts are started (after ntp-client?) as the connection is up and status also reports they are started.

Reproducible: Sometimes
Steps to Reproduce:
1. Boot the system

Actual Results:  
- ntp-client reports an error
- scripts are started, but no output

Expected Results:  
- net.eth2 should be started before ntp-client, wireless before net
- both should output anything

Dependencies of wireless:

depend() {
        use hotplug pcmcia
        before net

Dependencies of net.*:

depend() {
        use hotplug pcmcia wireless
Comment 1 SpanKY gentoo-dev 2004-08-20 05:58:23 UTC
do you use hotplug ?
Comment 2 Christian Hesse 2004-08-20 06:13:04 UTC
I have hotplug install, as I need it for firmware-uploads (ipw2100), but I do not start the service. It has always worked that way.

One thing I forgot to mention: I've just started using gensplash with splashutils from The problems started about the same time.
Comment 3 Christian Hesse 2004-08-20 07:34:37 UTC
I've added

echo "Wireless" > /dev/tty1

to /etc/init.d/wireless and

echo "Interface ${iface}" > /dev/tty1

to /etc/init.d/net.eth0

This is the result:

* Starting pcmcia...
cardmgr[6591]: watching 2 sockets                                [ ok ]
* Setting wireless settings...
Interface eth2
*   Trying "EWORM" with encryption for device eth2...            [ ok ]
* Bringing eth0 up...
Interface eth0
*   eth0 dhcp
*     Bringing eth0 up in background...                          [ ok ]
* Setting clock via the NTP client 'ntpdate'...
Error : Temporary failure in name resolution
20 Aug 16:18:06 ntpdate[6830]: can't find host
20 Aug 16:18:06 ntpdate[6830]: no servers can be used, exiting
* Failed to set clock                                            [ !! ]

As you can see net.eth2 is started in the background. RC_PARALLEL_STARTUP in /etc/conf.d/rc is set to "no". So why does this happen?
Comment 4 Greg Kroah-Hartman (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2004-11-10 11:29:12 UTC
It happens because the hotplug scripts start the interface up for you

I don't see the bug here at all, closing.
Comment 5 Christian Hesse 2004-11-10 11:51:13 UTC
I don't see it any more.
