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Bug 591316 - games-emulation/pcsx2-9999: can't resize configuration dialog
Summary: games-emulation/pcsx2-9999: can't resize configuration dialog
Alias: None
Product: Gentoo Linux
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Current packages (show other bugs)
Hardware: All Linux
: Normal normal
Assignee: nE0sIghT
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Reported: 2016-08-15 14:01 UTC by Raymond Jennings
Modified: 2018-04-25 17:59 UTC (History)
1 user (show)

See Also:
Package list:
Runtime testing required: ---

bad window (um.png,53.24 KB, image/png)
2016-08-15 14:01 UTC, Raymond Jennings
Gamefixes panel patch (0001-Split-gamefixes-in-two-columns-to-save-dialog-height.patch,2.21 KB, patch)
2016-08-16 09:28 UTC, nE0sIghT
Details | Diff
Speedhacks panel patch (0002-Speedhacks-panel-removed-separator-lowered-text-heig.patch,2.02 KB, patch)
2016-08-16 09:30 UTC, nE0sIghT
Details | Diff
01-lowres.patch (0001-Speedhacks-panel-removed-separator-lowered-text-heig.patch,2.02 KB, patch)
2016-08-17 22:43 UTC, nE0sIghT
Details | Diff
02-lowres.patch (0002-Make-Gamefixes-and-Speedhacks-panels-scrollable.patch,3.23 KB, patch)
2016-08-17 22:43 UTC, nE0sIghT
Details | Diff
03-lowres.patch (0003-Lowered-line-height-of-pxCheckboxes-for-Gamefixes-an.patch,2.95 KB, patch)
2016-08-17 22:46 UTC, nE0sIghT
Details | Diff

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Description Raymond Jennings 2016-08-15 14:01:04 UTC
Created attachment 443388 [details]
bad window

The dialog (see attached window capture) cannot be resized, which causes the buttons on the bottom to get masked by my window manager's toolbar.
Comment 1 Alex Xu (Hello71) 2016-08-15 20:37:46 UTC
here are some extras for your use:

Comment 2 nE0sIghT 2016-08-15 20:51:35 UTC
Which desktop environment do you use?
Comment 3 Raymond Jennings 2016-08-16 02:55:51 UTC
Comment 4 nE0sIghT 2016-08-16 07:09:37 UTC
What is your screen resolution?

I tested PCSX2 with current stable LXDE and can confirm that settings window is not resizable. However all buttons looks good for me - as I see window get packed well.
Comment 5 Raymond Jennings 2016-08-16 07:27:09 UTC

Also, I have two panels each 24 pixels tall, on the top and bottom of my desktop.
Comment 6 Raymond Jennings 2016-08-16 07:28:41 UTC
I should note that at present my monitor is not stable at higher resolutions.

Also, there is a LOT of slack space on the dialog that could be trimmed away, and scrollbars never hurt anyone.

I vote if possible that it be made resizable.
Comment 7 nE0sIghT 2016-08-16 09:28:55 UTC
Created attachment 443472 [details, diff]
Gamefixes panel patch
Comment 8 nE0sIghT 2016-08-16 09:30:54 UTC
Created attachment 443474 [details, diff]
Speedhacks panel patch

Try 2 attached patches - just drop them to "/etc/portage/patches/games-emulation/pcsx2" folder and rebuild pcsx2.

Also please check that all other dialogs fit your 1024x768 resolution.
Comment 9 Raymond Jennings 2016-08-16 22:22:04 UTC
Good news:  All the buttons can be reached.
Bad news:  The dialogs are now *wider* than 1024 pixels XD.

It's an improvement though since I can at least drag the title bar horizontally to reach everything.

Only now, for some reason, the EE settings dialog is clipping the bottom buttons again.

Is there a way to make the dialogs resizable entirely?

btw, what library/layout engine is being used to display the dialogs?  Is it gtk, qt, or something else?
Comment 10 nE0sIghT 2016-08-16 22:32:47 UTC
(In reply to shentino from comment #9)
> Bad news:  The dialogs are now *wider* than 1024 pixels XD.
Attach screenshots of Speed hacks and Game fixes panels.

> Is there a way to make the dialogs resizable entirely?
The problem is that you can not *reduce* dialog lower than packed size of it's content (AFAIK without adding scrollable elements to panels).
And currently, it's packed wider (as you said) than 1024 px.
I will try to compact panels and if I can not fit 1024px then will try to add scrolls.

> btw, what library/layout engine is being used to display the dialogs?  Is it
> gtk, qt, or something else?
Comment 11 nE0sIghT 2016-08-17 22:43:22 UTC
Created attachment 443628 [details, diff]
Comment 12 nE0sIghT 2016-08-17 22:43:41 UTC
Created attachment 443630 [details, diff]
Comment 13 nE0sIghT 2016-08-17 22:46:02 UTC
Created attachment 443632 [details, diff]

Here is 3 new patches that better packs and adds scrollbars to Gamefixes and Speedhacks panels.
Comment 14 Raymond Jennings 2016-08-18 01:23:01 UTC
Totally like it all around.

much better and I can access everything just fine now.

I'd advise bumping upstream and merging, and in the meantime I'd deem it fit for dumping into the portage tree as official patches.
Comment 15 nE0sIghT 2016-08-18 07:07:44 UTC
Created PR to upstream
Comment 16 Raymond Jennings 2016-08-18 11:11:37 UTC
Just curious, but what would happen if the dialog box itself was made resizable?
Comment 17 nE0sIghT 2016-08-18 11:13:06 UTC
In GNOME 3 it's resizable :-)
However, you can enlarge it, but can not make smaller than size of it's content.
Comment 18 Raymond Jennings 2018-04-03 04:40:19 UTC
Upstream hasn't done anything with the PR...are they still alive?
Comment 19 nE0sIghT 2018-04-03 04:43:30 UTC
Looks like it's low priority. You can try to ping them in PR.
Comment 20 nE0sIghT 2018-04-25 17:59:24 UTC
There is no upstream interest in fixing this.
You may prepare PR for them yourself.