Created attachment 441626 [details] Output of the command emerge -v=pysvn-1.7.7 I am trying to install Pysvn after installing subversion but failing in doing so
pysvn-1.7.7 is affected by security bug 560530 and was removed from tree on 14.01.2015. Thus I'm closing this report as resolved invalid for now. If you can reproduce this problem with the current version of pysvn, which is 1.8.0, please reopen this bug.
We are trying to update the Subversion to the updated version. Tried the command emerge -avuDN world to get the updated package of subversion. Got the subversion updated to version 1.8.13 Same command got the updated package of pysvn i.e 1.7.10 When tried to install pysvn it gave error. demerged the pysvn and tried to install the older version that is also not working. Please could you help us in resolving this issue?
Regardless of above, this is still INVALID for many reasons, some of them being: > /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-redhat-linux/4.1.2/ file not recognized: File truncated and > warning: 'svn_wc_dup_status2' is deprecated (declared at /opt/soft/cdtng/tools/ppack_gnu_435/3.3/usr/include/subversion-1/svn_wc.h:3793)