Old legacy KDE 4 applications, such as media-video/kplayer-0.7.2-r1:4 do not start, because the socket kdeinit4__0 is missing. The error message is: KCrash: Connect sock_file=/home/USER_NAME/.kde4/socket-HOSTNAME/kdeinit4__0 KCrash: connect() failed: : File or directory missing The folder /home/USER_NAME/.kde4/ exists but contains two broken symlinks because their destination is missing: socket-HOSTNAME --> /run/user/1000/ksocket-USER_NAME tmp-HOSTNAME --> /tmp/kde-USER_NAME It seems that this problem only occurs on boxes that got a fresh KDE 5 installation (no upgrade). On boxes that had a previous KDE 4 installation and were upgraded the sockets exists indeed. However, all necessary KDE 4 dependencies are emerged on both kind of boxes.
There is no KDE 5, i think you mean Plasma 5?
Is kde-apps/kdebase-runtime-meta or kde-base/kdebase-startkde installed?
kde-apps/kdebase-runtime-meta-15.12.3:5 is installed
Please check read/write permissions for the needed destinations.