Is it really necessary to wxGTK with use webkit depended on webkit:2?
Firstly, please specify what versions of the software you are looking at. Secondly, I don't understand this bug report. The title says that wxgtk depends on webkit:4 but a quick scan of all the wxgtk ebuilds only shows a dependency on webkit:2.
x11-libs/wxGTK- has depend on webkit:2 its really necessary?
The answer is yes because we need gtk2 webkit.
Oops didn't mean to remove the blocker bug.
Is upstream aware of the problem? I think this summer distributions like Fedora and Debian will "push" strongly to kill the old/vulnerable webkitgtk slot and, hence, they could have problems :/
Sure, we can pick up their patches when that happens. I took a look at the webkit parts upstream last week and didn't see any recent changes.