I'm trying to emerge x11-base/xfree-drm-4.3.0-r8 but xfree-drm-4.3.0-r8-gentoo-0.4.tar.bz2 cannot be downloaded from any server because it's missing.
From package.mask... # <battousai@gentoo.org> (08 Apr 2004) # Needs more development and testing. Don't use it yet. >=x11-base/xfree-drm-4.3.0-r8
ok, so what are my options to use a mach64 and linux 2.6?
Either manually build a snapshot or CVS checkout of dri.sf.net's drm or try the overlay stuff in my dev space.
I'd like to try your overlay, where can I download it?
http://dev.gentoo.org/~battousai/xfree-drm It's not necessarily stable, requires either a 2.6.6+, koutput, or 2.4 kernel, and is a CVS snapshot of dri's drm.