pe-format ebuild is systemd specific only and does not install nor has an use flag to install openrc init scripts. Init scripts themselves are located in the portage directory of the program, but e-build does not make use of them Pleas add systemd useflag where not using that flag would result in installing openrc scripts
Yes, please fix it soon. I also need it on system with openrc, cause systemd sucks! ;-)
Thanks for noticing the stale OpenRC scripts but they do not serve the purpose you assume they to serve. They're purely remnants of pe-format1 and they are replaced by pe-exec now. The only systemd unit installed is the one to automatically compile configs when pe-format2.conf is changed. This can't be done with OpenRC since it does not support inotify triggers, and its design makes it impossible to do so. In other words, with OpenRC you have to run pe-format2-setup manually after editing the file. The comment on top of the file reminds you about that. The binfmt.d files installed by pe-format2 are supported by systemd and openrc likewise. For openrc, you have to have /etc/init.d/binfmt enabled. I don't recall if it's on by default.