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Bug 571592 - 8.2.10 SRC_URI: clarify uses of (local) 'mirror'
Summary: 8.2.10 SRC_URI: clarify uses of (local) 'mirror'
Alias: None
Product: Gentoo Hosted Projects
Classification: Unclassified
Component: PMS/EAPI (show other bugs)
Hardware: All Linux
: Normal normal
Assignee: Package Manager Specification
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Reported: 2016-01-11 21:48 UTC by Michał Górny
Modified: 2016-01-12 08:05 UTC (History)
1 user (show)

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Description Michał Górny archtester Gentoo Infrastructure gentoo-dev Security 2016-01-11 21:48:02 UTC
We discussed this but I don't recall finding a good solution, so let's get things formal.

The section on SRC_URI states that:

> If a simple filename rather than a full URI is provided, the package manager
> can only use mirrors to download the file.

However, this isn't clear what kind of mirrors are used. Some developers are wrongly assuming this is implicit mirror://gentoo and are abusing it in ::gentoo. 

Worse than that, this isn't even the Portage behavior -- since Portage is only used user-defined GENTOO_MIRRORS, and if no GENTOO_MIRRORS are explicitly defined, it refuses to fetch.

I think we should explicitly use something like 'user-defined mirrors' or 'site-defined mirrors'. Possibly add an explicit note that if no mirrors are defined on the system, the 'simple filename' case may result in fetch failure.
Comment 1 Ulrich Müller gentoo-dev 2016-01-11 23:35:35 UTC
We need a terminology that also covers things like "The package's SRC_URI entries may not be mirrored, and mirrors should not be checked when fetching."
I think that "user-defined mirrors" would sound strange in this context.

Maybe "implicit" (local) vs "explicit" (third-party) mirrors?
Comment 2 Michał Górny archtester Gentoo Infrastructure gentoo-dev Security 2016-01-12 08:05:11 UTC
I don't know. Please note that Portage is already using 'local' mirrors for mirrors that do not need to follow RESTRICT=fetch limitations. In other words, '${P}.tar.gz' with RESTRICT=fetch will be fetched from 'local' mirrors but not from GENTOO_MIRRORS.