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Bug 56992 - Syntax highlighting broken in kvim
Summary: Syntax highlighting broken in kvim
Alias: None
Product: Gentoo Linux
Classification: Unclassified
Component: [OLD] KDE (show other bugs)
Hardware: All Linux
: High normal
Assignee: Vim Maintainers
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Reported: 2004-07-14 01:07 UTC by Dries Buytaert
Modified: 2004-07-26 09:57 UTC (History)
2 users (show)

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Runtime testing required: ---


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Description Dries Buytaert 2004-07-14 01:07:00 UTC
When I enable syntax highlighting in kvim I get the following error:
E484: Can't open file /usr/share/vim/syntax/syntax.vim.   The directory does not exist.  This problem manifests itself on 3 different Gentoo machines.

Reproducible: Always
Steps to Reproduce:
Comment 1 Ciaran McCreesh 2004-07-21 13:56:44 UTC
What's your vim-core version?
Comment 2 Ciaran McCreesh 2004-07-25 10:27:08 UTC
I'm pretty sure that this is caused by vim-core-6.3. The kvim ebuild should be RDEPENDing upon ~vim-core-6.2, not >=. KDE guys, are you maintaining this one or are we? Personally I'd like to kill this package entirely, since:

* it's pretty much unmaintained
* it's got a lot of bugs which have been fixed in the main vim tree after kvim was made
* it's got a lot of extra bugs which aren't in regular vim
* the package doesn't use the vim eclass

The vim7 tree includes a massively updated version of the Qt GUI patch, so I'll be reintroducing kvim then (rewritten to use the eclass, I've got updated ebuilds and the eclass in dev.g.o/~ciaranm/overlay/). In the mean time, how do people feel about package.mask'ing it?
Comment 3 Carsten Lohrke (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2004-07-25 11:43:54 UTC
The website says it is possible to use x11 (embedded motif gvim) or dcop (kvim only). You can change the options via controlcenter or `kcmshell kcmvim`. Are your findings true for both modes? Never was a friend of vi* myself, so I'll be the last one, who will complain masking it. ;)

According to metadata.xml, kde-other and vim herds are responsible. We appreciate all help we can get, at least unless kde* herds can attract a few more developers. I would love it, if you would take care of this package.
Comment 4 Ciaran McCreesh 2004-07-25 13:36:27 UTC
Well, here's the thing... kvim is vim-6.2.14 + Qt/KDE patches. Our vim and gvim 6.2-r9 ebuilds are based upon vim-6.2.517, so kvim is missing just over five hundred bugfix patches which went into vim-6.2. It's also incapable of working with vim-core-6.3, which is stable on pretty much every arch now, and upstream don't seem to be interested in updating their patch to work with vim-6.3.

So, really, the options are:
* find someone who's prepared to update and maintain the Qt GUI patch for vim-6.3 until vim-7 is released
* fix kvim's vim-core RDEPEND, which would end up forcing anyone using kvim to stick with *vim-6.2 since we don't SLOT vim-core
* package.mask

Personally I'd like to just mask the thing. Once vim-7 comes along we'll get a proper, well-maintained KDE/Qt GUI option. Until then, the gtk+-2 GUI provided by gvim is a reasonable alternative. Heck, if someone wants kvim that badly, then can always use my vim-7alpha overlay ebuilds.

If anyone wants to save kvim, speak now :)
Comment 5 Aaron Peterson 2004-07-25 17:38:25 UTC
I don't particularly like vim, but I write a bunch of extra 'i's  and ':wq's when I'm not using vim, so, I'd like to keep it... but I really don't care that much.

I'd like to see it work eventually.. (hahahaha) i'd like to see everything work really soon actually!.. but I won't speak up to save kvim, anymore than I'd try it, and would brag that it works.. and confuse even more users of my system (dvorak keyboard layout, vim... I'm harsh on people who sit down at my terminal in the couple of seconds that it takes for the screen saver to kick on)
Comment 6 Ciaran McCreesh 2004-07-26 09:57:08 UTC
Ok, closing this as WONTFIX, and adding kvim to package.mask. Feel free to reopen if you'd like to update the Qt/KDE patch to work with vim6.3.