'emerge -pvt --update --newuse --deep --with-bdeps=y --backtrack=30 @world' says: root@impala:/root(22)# emerge -pvt --update --newuse --deep --with-bdeps=y --backtrack=30 @world These are the packages that would be merged, in reverse order: Calculating dependencies... done! [ebuild U ] media-tv/xawtv-3.95-r3::gentoo [3.95-r2::x-portage] USE="X alsa dv motif nls opengl quicktime xext xv zvbi -aalib -lirc (-mmx%)" CPU_FLAGS_X86="(-mmx)" 0 KiB [nomerge ] gnome-base/gnome-3.16.0:2.0::gentoo USE="accessibility bluetooth cdr classic cups extras" [nomerge ] gnome-base/gdm-3.16.2::gentoo USE="accessibility introspection ipv6 systemd tcpd -audit -branding -debug -fprint -plymouth (-selinux) -smartcard {-test} -wayland -xinerama" [nomerge ] gnome-base/gnome-settings-daemon-3.16.2-r1::gentoo USE="colord cups policykit short-touchpad-timeout udev -debug -networkmanager (-openrc-force) -smartcard {-test} -wayland" INPUT_DEVICES="-wacom" PYTHON_TARGETS="python2_7 python3_3 -python3_4" [nomerge ] net-print/cups-2.0.3::gentoo USE="X acl dbus java kerberos pam python ssl systemd threads usb -debug -lprng-compat (-selinux) -static-libs -xinetd -zeroconf" ABI_X86="32 (64) (-x32)" LINGUAS="de fr ru -ca -cs -es -it -ja -pt_BR" PYTHON_TARGETS="python2_7" [ebuild U ] app-text/poppler-0.34.0:0/53::gentoo [0.33.0-r1:0/52::gentoo] USE="cairo curl cxx doc introspection jpeg jpeg2k lcms png qt4 qt5 tiff utils -cjk -debug" 1,578 KiB [nomerge ] g-octave/miscellaneous-1.2.0::g-octave [ebuild UD ] sci-mathematics/octave-3.8.2:0/3.8.2::gentoo [4.0.0:0/4.0.0::gentoo] USE="X curl doc fftw glpk gnuplot gui hdf5 imagemagick java opengl postscript qhull qrupdate readline sparse zlib -jit -static-libs" 17,417 KiB But I do not understand why, i.e. I can not find any limitation in the g-octave ebuilds": root@impala:/root(25)# qlist -Iv g-octave app-portage/g-octave-0.4.1-r4 g-octave/general-1.3.2 g-octave/miscellaneous-1.2.0 g-octave/nan-2.3.1 [2]+ Done emacs -i $GEOMETRY $NO_DOS_CONV -name "$BASENAME" "$*" root@impala:/root(26)# grep DEPEND -U2 /var/lib/g-octave/g-octave/general/general-1.3.2.ebuild IUSE="" DEPEND="" RDEPEND="${DEPEND} >=sci-mathematics/octave-3.4.3" root@impala:/root(27)# grep DEPEND -U2 /var/lib/g-octave/g-octave/miscellaneous/miscellaneous-1.2.0.ebuild IUSE="" DEPEND="sys-libs/libtermcap-compat sci-calculators/units" RDEPEND="${DEPEND} >=sci-mathematics/octave-3.6.0 >=g-octave/general-1.3.1" root@impala:/root(28)# grep DEPEND -U2 /var/lib/g-octave/g-octave/nan/nan-2.3.1.ebuild IUSE="" DEPEND="" RDEPEND="${DEPEND} >sci-mathematics/octave-2.9.0"
Reemerging g-octave/miscellaneous-1.2.0 does not help.