Name: Michal Purzy
Name: Michal Purzyñski Email: Age: 22 Mentors: solar,tseng,method Herd: hardened Role: He helps maintain hardened-dev-sources (aka server-sources) patches and is the sole upstream maintainer of netdev-random. Role: RSBAC kernel & user-land, documentation and policy. Skills: c and c++, a bit assembly, kernel hacking. Note: albeiro has been an active hardened user for more than 6 months and an active contributor from the start of the 2.6.x series. albeiro please have a read over and forward your quiz to recruiters with a pointer to this bug # Also please create ssh & gpg keys for and send those as well.
Evaluation period ends July 12th.
I'll handle this one...
i am temporary loosing permanent connection to internet in few days, but will stay as responsive as possible. in two months it is comming back. for now i will be checking all things releated to gentoo every evening.
albeiro, do you want us to put your new dev setup on hold until you get internet access again?
Jason, Yeah lets put this on hold till he returns (and comments on this bug as returning). He needs the two weeks of a solid mentor.
marking this one LATER. Please reopen the bug once Michal returns.
hello again, everything now should be up and running, i have my connection mostly back, let this bug be reopened :) Albeiro
Solar, are you still willing to mentor this one? Since he's been gone so long, I think that he should sit through the 2 week eval period.
His two+ weeks would need to start over. But I'm not really free for the entire period of the next two weeks. tseng is away till the 22nd I'm not sure how busy method is right now. I think what would be ideal is to wait to begin the process till when tseng returns and comments on this bug as being able to help. The hardened herd wants to make joining a multi mentor thing. Albeiro welcome back. Get to work!
multiple mentors is a good thing if we communicate adequatly, it also has the potential to cover more information. I'll start mentoring mattjf soon so I'm not sure if I'll also be able to do albeiro (don't want a macos thing happening again ;) ) We can certainly split it up between us three though, albeiro has also been around us long enough to know most of the rules.
Al is back? Hooray. He is a good dev, he should get up to speed pretty quickly just covering the new dev docs. I for one will be glad to help him out with any issues and go over quiz, prod for gpg/ssh keys, etc etc.
i am very glad to hear it tseng, but i have to say that i send my quiz to list some time ago, ssh/gpg keys also, so it should be there.
I'm free to answer questions again. tseng is ready let's make this bug active again. Recruiters if you need anything additional please let us know (otherwise you should have everything already) Thu Sep 2 19:14:05 UTC 2004
I withdraw this bug. The developer in question has been missing in action for to long. If somebody else wishes to mentor him at a later time when he becomes more active great. Final note: The RSBAC subproject seems to be a failure.