For some reason, koffice-1.3.1 is marked stable, but koffice-i18n-1.3.1 is not. The result is that one is either stuck with 1.3 or left without localised versions. Please mark koffice-i18n-1.3.1 with the same keywords as koffice. koffice-i18n builds fine on my machine (LINGUAS=it,de,fr,nb,nn,eo). Possibly, there might be the need to insert a reminder in koffice ebuilds beside the keyword section, stating "keep in sync with respective i18n package", as this is not the first time I notice such an offset. This should be applied to all packages with an i18n accessory package.
Excuse me, I'm the dumbest idiot in the broad world. I had marked koffice 1.3.1 stable myself in my overlay, and I later totally forgot it, and assumed it was stable in portage. My god, this is embarassing. In my defense, it was 8 AM CET. Aaaagh
Stupid bug report closed.