The new paludis will no longer sync the portage tree via rsync cave sync now errors syncing gentoo with: rsync: on remote machine: --new-compress: unknown option The problem seems to stem from /usr/libexec/paludis/syncers/dorsync line 92 --new-compress --force --whole-file --delete --delete-delay --stats --timeout=180 \ changing --new-compress to --compress works around the issue. I don't know if this is a typo or something else was intended.
--new-compress is some new rsync option. I guess it's not supported by the rsync server Gentoo uses. Could you report this upstream, please?
you can overwrite syncers in '/etc/paludis/syncers', also see
that is exactly what I do. At the very least this should be documented in the ebuild. It is still a problem. I guess mirrors never upgrade rsync.
this bug was fixed by putting: sync_options= --no-new-compress --compress in /etc/paludis/repositories/gentoo.conf
Paludis has been removed from the tee.