Created attachment 393842 [details] emerge --info output The unmerge option (-u or --unmerge) should include unmerges of the package that matches name. While it does cause genlop to display unmerges, it makes genlop ignore the 'name' attribute and displays merges and unmerges of all packages.
Please post your `emerge -vpq app-portage/genlop' output in a comment.
emerge -vpq app-portage/genlop : [ebuild R ] app-portage/genlop-0.30.9-r1
After further reviewing the code, this is actually working as designed. However, I don't like the design since it seems inconsistent to me. I'm not extremely active right now due to personal reasons, so unless I get a patch or another developer decides to do this it will probably take awhile for me to get to changing this behavior.
This means that the design has changed without any need and without documentation. I found a computer having an old version of genlop: eix -I genlop [D] app-portage/genlop Available versions: *0.30.5 *0.30.7 *0.30.8 *0.30.8-r1 *0.30.8-r2 ~*0.30.9 *0.30.9-r1 **9999 {{bash-completion}} Installed versions: 0.30.8-r2(11:32:29 AM 12/07/2009)(-bash-completion) Homepage: Description: A nice emerge.log parser That version is working correct / as expected: genlop -u genlop * app-portage/genlop Mon Dec 7 11:32:29 2009 >>> app-portage/genlop-0.30.8-r2 The man page of both versions did not change about -u: -u --unmerge display unmerges. If you want to see all merges and unmerges, you can just use genlop -u without a name.
The design was changed with 0.30.9 to make -u act like -l The problem is that I think we want both the old and new behavior as 'genlop -u' just printed the usage message in 0.30.8. I will work on fixing it, so that it works both ways (with and without a package name)
How is it possible then to see the unmerges?
(In reply to Heinrich Götzger from comment #6) > How is it possible then to see the unmerges? Pipe to grep is the way to do it right now. For example, the following will show all unmerges of the chromium package genlop -u | fgrep chromium | fgrep '<<<'