Hi there it is my first bug filled on Bugzilla, I am here to rquest the Budgie desktop package / ebuild Budgie desktop is not other Gnome forked desktop, it is a new shell for Gnome, it is simple minimalistic and beautyfull, uses less resources than a normal Gnome shell github code: www.github.com/evolve-os/budgie-desktop current version 7.3 new versions are released so fast, you should get in touch with Ikey Doherty (it's creator) to have the most newer releases ever
[NOTE] the current version (7.3) has not support for Gnome 3.14
Thank you for your bug report. Please don't add arch testing teams yourself. They have a specific function within the Gentoo QA.
(In reply to Myckel Habets from comment #2) > Thank you for your bug report. Please don't add arch testing teams yourself. > They have a specific function within the Gentoo QA. OK I will not do that, BTW I hope see the package ready soon because I like this desktop a lot and I want see it on my Sabayon :)
I play with budgie-desktop since 2 months. Here my personal ebuilds: https://github.com/dguglielmi/sunny-overlay/tree/master/x11-wm/budgie-desktop https://github.com/dguglielmi/sunny-overlay/tree/master/media-video/budgie-media-player https://github.com/dguglielmi/sunny-overlay/tree/master/x11-themes/evolveos-backgrounds Hope it will be helpful for someone.