the following packages are masked but aren't in portage anymore: app-text/psgml berlin-base/berlin dev-dotnet/glib-sharp dev-dotnet/gtk-sharp-base dev-java/ibm-jdk dev-java/ibm-jre dev-lisp/cl-db-sockets dev-lisp/sbcl-mt dev-ruby/optparse dev-utils/vdkbuilder gnome-extra/gb media-libs/libgpio media-libs/oss-opengl-glu media-libs/resid-builder media-plugins/xmms-aalsa media-sound/ardour-cvs media-sound/libsidutils net-p2p/lmule sys-apps/pbbuttonsd sys-fs/mkisofs sys-kernel/gentoo-test-sources sys-kernel/ppc-headers sys-kernel/ppc-sources-crypto x11-libs/qt-x11 I suppose we can remove them savely?
Removed app-text/psgml and dev-ruby/optparse.
use this line to check (the great regexp came from etcatmur): $ for pkg in $(cat /usr/portage/profiles/package.mask |grep -v ^$|grep -v '^#'|sed "s/*//"|sed "s/^[<>=~]*//"|sed "s/-\([[:digit:]]\+.\)*[[:digit:]]\+[[:lower:]]\?\(_\(alpha\|beta\|pre\|rc\|p\)[[:digit:]]*\)\?\(-r[[:digit:]]\+\)\?$//") ; do [ -d /usr/portage/$pkg ] || echo $pkg ; done|sort -u
dev-utils/vdkbuilder exists
fixed in cvs
only sys-kernel/ppc-development-sources remains... i suppose it should mask sys-kernel/ppc-dev-sources...
two extra packages: dev-util/eclipse-sdk-bin sys-devel/oskit
app-admin/msyslog could be removed as well
I did a thorough test and i believe the following masks can be removed: >=net-nds/openldap-2.2* =games-emulation/zsnes-1.37_pre20041220 app-admin/msyslog =gnome-base/gnome-2.6_p1 =gnome-base/gnome-2.6.2_p1 >=games-arcade/pachi-20000000 =sys-devel/oskit-20020317 =app-office/abiword-2.0.4 =media-libs/SoQt-20010601-r1 <x11-misc/xscreensaver-4.14-r2 =sys-boot/grub-0.93.20040125 <net-analyzer/ns-2.27 >=dev-util/tla-20040113 >=x11-libs/openmotif-2.2.2 =net-mail/bincimap-1.2.4 >=dev-util/eclipse-sdk-bin-1.0 >=dev-util/eclipse-sdk-bin-1.0 >=net-print/foomatic-2000 >=net-print/foomatic-db-engine-2000 >=net-print/foomatic-filters-2000 =net-irc/xchat-2.0.6 =media-libs/libsidplay- =media-sound/sidplay- =dev-java/ant-1.5.4 =games-strategy/freeciv-1.15.0_alpha20030901 =net-misc/freeswan-2.01 =net-fs/openafs-1.3* >=x11-base/xfree-4.3.99 =net-libs/nss_ldap-209 =app-crypt/mit-krb5-1.3_alpha1 >=app-portage/ufed-0.40 >=sys-devel/gcc-config-1.4 >=sys-devel/m4-1.4a =mail-client/evolution-1.3* >=gnome-extra/gtkhtml-3.0 =media-video/realplayer-8-r3 =sys-apps/pcmcia-cs-3.2.1-r2 =sys-apps/pcmcia-cs-3.2.2 >=sys-apps/shadow-5 <sys-devel/autoconf-2.53a
openmotif and foomatic should be left there, because of people still running the newer versions
I'm not sure why I'm on the CC: of this bug. Add me back when you can tell me what ebuild I'm supposed to fix.
Heinrich Wendel, I did some testing and portage seems to automatically mask packages which aren't in portage anymore...
chip and chad are not in gentoo any longer
of that package list, the only ones I believe approriate for me are: >=net-nds/openldap-2.2* <net-analyzer/ns-2.27 >=app-portage/ufed-0.40 =net-libs/nss_ldap-209 of that, the only one that still needs to be there is openldap, as the only reason i've got it in portage is to test it out properly pending upstream calling it ready for the masses, and the fact it uses db-4.2.
Removed bincimap-1.2.4.
you get this list by running this (puke puke, dirty...) script: bash-2.05b$ for pkg in $(grep ^[^#] /usr/portage/profiles/package.mask) do emerge -vp ${pkg} 2>/dev/null done|grep 'no masked or unmasked'|cut -d'"' -f2
I removed the unneeded sidplay/libsidplay-masks
removed msyslog.
Could someone please give me a situation when a package, which isn't in portage, should be masked?
I suppose no-one minds...