According to maintainer of pytsk ( [quote] Note: that there are issues with using SleuthKit 4.1.3 in combination with pytsk. the interpretation of IMG_RAW_INFO inside the SleuthKit causes it to segfault (Issue 16 and now requires pytsk to use TSK_IMG_TYPE_EXTERNAL which needs to be patched into SleuthKit 4.1.3 the use of ant in the SleuthKit Makefiles prevents building a DEB file. For the time being the solution is to remove these statements manually and run: autoreconf -fiv For the time being we recommend either using SleuthKit 4.1.2 or SleuthKit 4.1.3 with this patch applied. [/quote] Here is the link to the patch referenced: Maybe it is possible to introduce another USE-flag, "tsk" to introduce this patch for SleuthKit? Thank you.
pystk is not in the tree. Moreover, the latest version on github ( seems to work with sleuthkit-4.4.1, although they use their own slightly modified version of sleuthkit now. If you really need to apply this patch, you can take advantage of the epatch_user feature which is already there and patch it locally on your machine.