Profile requests EAPI=5. However, portage contained in x86-fbsd 9.0 stage3 does not support it. # wget # tar xjpf stage3-i686-freebsd-9.0.tar.bz2 -C /x86-fbsd/9.0 # chroot /x86-fbsd/9.0 # source /etc/profile # eselect profile list Available profile symlink targets: [1] default/bsd/fbsd/x86/9.1 [2] default/bsd/fbsd/x86/9.2 # eselect profile set 1 # emerge -pv sys-apps/portage !!! Unable to parse profile: '/etc/portage/make.profile' !!! ParseError: Profile contains unsupported EAPI '5': '/usr/portage/profiles/default/bsd/fbsd/x86/9.1/eapi' !!! Your current profile is invalid. If you have just changed your profile !!! configuration, you should revert back to the previous configuration. !!! Allowed actions are limited to --help, --info, --search, --sync, and !!! --version.
For new user, After updating the portage forcibly, please upgrade to a new version referring to the wiki. # cd /tmp # wget # tar xjf portage-2.2.10.tar.bz2 # PYTHON_TARGETS="python2_7" portage-2.2.10/bin/emerge --nodeps sys-apps/portage
*-fbsd is gone.