cre2 is a C binding to the C++ re2 regular expression library (dev-libs/re2, already in portage). Project url: Reproducible: Always
Created attachment 372024 [details] cre2-0.1_beta5.ebuild
Unfortunately, my ebuild-fu is not strong enough to figure out how to save the tarball as something other than 0.1b5.tar.gz. Also, the attached ebuild should be named cre2-0.1_beta5.ebuild Let me know if I need to make any changes to get it accepted.
Comment on attachment 372024 [details] cre2-0.1_beta5.ebuild >inherit autotools eutils flag-o-matic versionator Doesn't look like versionator.eclass is being used. >MY_PV="${PV%%_beta*}b${PV##*_beta}" >MY_P="${PN}-${MY_PV}" > >DESCRIPTION="A C language wrapper for the RE2 regular expression library" >HOMEPAGE="" >SRC_URI="${PN}/archive/${MY_PV}.tar.gz" >IUSE="static" You probably meant "static-libs" here. >src_configure() { > econf \ > --enable-maintainer-mode \ > $(use_enable static static) >} Why do you run that with --enable-maintainer-mode? >src_compile() { > emake >} That's the default src_compile, so you can remove that. >src_install() { > default >} Same here.