I have 2 requests for features emerge --list That will list all the currently installed packages ala rpm -qa and emerge --find /path/to/file That will allow you to list what package /path/to/file is from ala rpm -qf /path/to/file Thanks
these features already exist `emerge gentoolkit` and then type `qpkg -h`
Best to integrate this functionality into emerge at some point.
If possible make the "-f" use regexps.. I more often get the question "what package provides foo" then "what packages provides /path/to/foo". So "What package provides "libhistory.so" ?" could be checked with ~$ emerge -f "*libhistory.so*" by ppl that think have this file on their system.
-f is already taken by fetch ;) the prob with integrating qpkg with emerge is we start to run out of cmdline opts ... then they get more obscure and it kinda becomes a pain ... oh and you can do `qpkg -fp '*libhist*'`
Something for portage-ng methinks.