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Bug 499600 - sci-misc/mendeleydesktop-1.10.3 version bump
Summary: sci-misc/mendeleydesktop-1.10.3 version bump
Alias: None
Product: Gentoo Linux
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Current packages (show other bugs)
Hardware: All Linux
: Normal normal
Assignee: Angelo Arrifano (RETIRED)
Keywords: EBUILD
Depends on:
Reported: 2014-01-28 18:03 UTC by Marius Brehler
Modified: 2014-03-14 16:19 UTC (History)
4 users (show)

See Also:
Package list:
Runtime testing required: ---

mendeleydesktop-1.10.3.ebuild (mendeleydesktop-1.10.3.ebuild,2.49 KB, text/plain)
2014-01-28 18:03 UTC, Marius Brehler

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Description Marius Brehler 2014-01-28 18:03:03 UTC
Mendeley was updated to version 1.10.3.

It's nearly enough to rename the recent ebuild (1.10.1) to the new version. Anyway, the tarball does not contain the FAQ.pdf anymore, so this file has to be excluded from the dodoc step. Tested it in my local overlay.

Reproducible: Always
Comment 1 Marius Brehler 2014-01-28 18:03:47 UTC
Created attachment 368988 [details]
Comment 2 Marius Brehler 2014-03-14 10:48:27 UTC
Any progress here? Mendeley 1.11 was already released (see Bug 504578).
As mendeleydesktop is fetch restricted, version 1.10.3 probably cannot be download anymore.

In my opinion this issue can be marked as resolved obsolete.
Comment 3 Myckel Habets 2014-03-14 16:19:05 UTC