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Bug 48405 - ebuild for mplayerd
Summary: ebuild for mplayerd
Alias: None
Product: Gentoo Linux
Classification: Unclassified
Component: New packages (show other bugs)
Hardware: All Linux
: High enhancement
Assignee: Gentoo Media-video project
Keywords: EBUILD
: 36210 (view as bug list)
Depends on:
Reported: 2004-04-19 14:15 UTC by Christian Korff
Modified: 2004-11-10 19:51 UTC (History)
3 users (show)

See Also:
Package list:
Runtime testing required: ---

the ebuidl (mplayerd-0.1.14.ebuild,853 bytes, text/plain)
2004-04-19 14:18 UTC, Christian Korff
new ebuild for 0.1.17 (mplayerd-0.1.17.ebuild,838 bytes, text/plain)
2004-06-27 18:49 UTC, Christian Korff
MPlayerd vulnerabilities (vulns.txt,5.89 KB, text/plain)
2004-11-08 21:38 UTC, Chris White (RETIRED)

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Description Christian Korff 2004-04-19 14:15:01 UTC
ebuild for mplayerd
see for infomation about mplayerd
In short: It's a simple tcp server to control MPlayer

Here is a ebuild for it.

But there are some issues about it:
- it ignores CFLAGS and CC (mplayerd use a simple Makefile)
- linking fails without -DDEBUG (well, it is a bug of mplayerd)

so, I keep everything.
But you've got a issue when
1) gcc is not in $PATH
2) your cc is not named gcc

And well, there is another issue that is direct related to my ebuild.
The Makefile uses -lpthread. Now: What's the dependecy for the ebuild?
Hope you don't resent it.

I marked mplayer as a dependency but it's not really needed for compiling or running. But it makes sense that you should have mplayer. Should I remove mplayer from depend or should I move it to rdepend or should I just leave it so?

Still, I think the ebuild is finished. I'm waiting for comments.
Comment 1 Christian Korff 2004-04-19 14:18:11 UTC
Created attachment 29656 [details]
the ebuidl

tested on x86 with glibc 2.3.2 and gcc 3.3.2 (gcc-Version 3.3.2 20031218
(Gentoo Linux 3.3.2-r5, propolice-3.3-7))
Comment 2 Christian Korff 2004-06-27 18:49:54 UTC
Created attachment 34313 [details]
new ebuild for 0.1.17

I improved it a little and it was modified for the new version so it
Comment 3 Christian Korff 2004-06-27 18:49:54 UTC
Created attachment 34313 [details]
new ebuild for 0.1.17

I improved it a little and it was modified for the new version so it´s now also
Comment 4 Patrick Dawson (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2004-08-11 20:48:42 UTC
We can't accept ebuilds unless you assign the copyright to the Gentoo Foundation.
Please remove the "# (C) 2004 by Christian Korff" line and submit the ebuild again. Don't worry, you'll get credit for submitting the ebuild in the ChangeLog :)

Comment 5 Chris White (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2004-11-08 21:38:45 UTC
Created attachment 43579 [details]
MPlayerd vulnerabilities
Comment 6 Chris White (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2004-11-08 21:39:44 UTC
Wohhhh, security issues like no tommorow.  Please send this log upstream and
have them take a look at these issues.  Once you've verified that no buffer
overflows will occur causing massive user damage, then I'll work on getting
this into portage
Comment 7 Chris White (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2004-11-10 19:51:23 UTC
*** Bug 36210 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***