elif is-flagq -g || is-flagq -ggdb; then will give false-positives when I have e.g. "-g0" appended and die without purpose
Suggested fix?
we'd probably need regexp support for is-flagq
Just to be clear, do you mean that the '-g' check matches '-g0', or you have something like '-g -g0'?
I mean '-g -g0' or even '-g -some-other-flag -g0', yes
I think that setup is not uncommon, because it's the easiest way to disable "-g" for a particular package without doing weird bash substitution or redefining the whole CFLAGS.
Supporting such a thing would probably require something like get-flag-pos or even more scary... and I told that introducing the check-reqs thing is going to be give more trouble than benefit, eh. @toolchain, anything you could suggest?
(In reply to Michał Górny from comment #6) we don't have any toolchain-funcs helpers atm that'd handle this seems like it only comes up when people have -g in their own global make.conf and then additionally set -g0 in per-package env files. i'd suspect this is uncommon. to the point where the 5 people who do this and read ewarnings can suffer it ...
As vapier said, then.