On sparc64, the ccache ebuild doesn't create symlinks in /usr/lib/ccache/bin to the 64-bit sparc compilers. This makes kernel compiles not use ccache, unless the symlinks are created by hand. Symlinks to the 64-bit compilers should be provided as for the 32-bit compilers, particularly this one: (in /usr/lib/ccache/bin) sparc64-linux-gcc -> /usr/lib/ccache/bin (needed for kernel) These others _should_ be there but aren't required yet; they would be used for 64-bit userland on sparc64: sparc64-unknown-linux-gnu-gcc -> /usr/lib/ccache/bin sparc64-unknown-linux-gnu-g++ -> /usr/lib/ccache/bin sparc64-unknown-linux-gnu-cc -> /usr/lib/ccache/bin sparc64-unknown-linux-gnu-c++ -> /usr/lib/ccache/bin
Please excuse my total lack of brains. Those symlinks should be to /usr/bin/ccache, not /usr/lib/ccache/bin!
Hrm, is using ccache for kernel compiles really a good idea? It's caused problems for me before now...
I've used ccache for 2.4 and 2.6 kernels, both x86 and sparc64, and never had a problem with it. I've even done 'bad' things like changing a 2.4 config without following up with a make clean, and there are no bad effects. But it shouldn't be there in the ccache ebuild if there's any doubt to its stability. Might be worth having another ebuild for the lazy and adventurous: "ccache-sparc64-symlinks" or something to that effect.
I'm gonna mark this WONTFIX... If no dev has thought this a good idea by now, I don't think one will...