$ grep -Ri avconv $ grep -Ri ffmpeg|grep -v 'Двоичный файл' grep: Main/webUI/static/mootools.jsVideo/VideoUtility.py:def get_thumbnail(videofile, thumbfile, resolution, ffmpeg, timecode): Video/VideoUtility.py: ffmpeg = Popen((ffmpeg, "-ss", str(int(timecode)), "-i", videofile, "-s", "%dx%d" % resolution, thumbfile), stderr=PIPE) Video/VideoUtility.py: ffmpeg.communicate() Video/VideoUtility.py: ffmpeg.stderr.close() Video/VideoUtility.py:def get_videoinfo(videofile, ffmpeg): Video/VideoUtility.py: ffmpeg = Popen((ffmpeg, "-i", videofile), stderr=PIPE) Video/VideoUtility.py: out, err = ffmpeg.communicate() Video/VideoUtility.py: ffmpeg.stderr.close() Video/VideoUtility.py:def preferred_timecodes(videofile, duration, sample_res, ffmpeg, num_samples = 20, k = 4): : Нет такого файла или каталогаVideo/VideoUtility.py: get_thumbnail(videofile, outputfile, sample_res, ffmpeg, timecode) Core/DownloadConfig.py: estimate calculated using the videoanalyser (e.g. ffmpeg), see Core/SessionConfig.py: ffmpegname = "ffmpeg.exe" Core/SessionConfig.py: ffmpegname = "ffmpeg" Core/SessionConfig.py: ffmpegpath = find_prog_in_PATH(ffmpegname) Core/SessionConfig.py: if ffmpegpath is None: Core/SessionConfig.py: self.sessconfig['videoanalyserpath'] = ffmpegname Core/SessionConfig.py: self.sessconfig['videoanalyserpath'] = "vlc/ffmpeg" Core/SessionConfig.py: self.sessconfig['videoanalyserpath'] = ffmpegname Core/SessionConfig.py: self.sessconfig['videoanalyserpath'] = ffmpegpath Core/SessionConfig.py: """ Path to video analyser FFMPEG. The analyser is used to guess the Core/SessionConfig.py: """ Returns the path of the FFMPEG video analyser. Tools/createlivestream.py: # ffmpeg -i file.mpeg /dev/null Tools/createlivestream-noauth.py: # ffmpeg -i file.mpeg /dev/null Tools/pipe-babscam-h264-aac-gop-sync.sh:#FFMPEG=$HOME/pkgs/ffmpeg-r13556/bin/ffmpeg Tools/pipe-babscam-h264-aac-gop-sync.sh:FFMPEG=$HOME/pkgs/ffmpeg-r14154-x264-r745/bin/ffmpeg Tools/pipe-babscam-h264-aac-gop-sync.sh:#FFMPEG=$HOME/pkgs/ffmpeg-r14260-x264-snapshot-20080716-2245/bin/ffmpeg Tools/pipe-babscam-h264-aac-gop-sync.sh:$FFMPEG -f mpegts -vsync 1 -map 0.0:0.1 -map 0.1 -i /dev/dvb/adapter0/dvr0 -vcodec libx264 -vb 428288 -g 16 -s 320x240 -acodec libfaac -ab 96000 -ac 1 -deinterlace -f mpegts - Tools/pipe-babscam-mpeg4-mp3-sync.sh:$HOME/pkgs/ffmpeg/bin/ffmpeg -f mpegts -vsync 1 -map 0.0:0.1 -map 0.1 -i /dev/dvb/adapter0/dvr0 -vcodec mpeg4 -vb 428288 -s 320x240 -acodec libmp3lame -ab 96000 -ac 1 -f mpegts - Tools/pipe-arnocam-jip.sh:ffmpeg -s 320x240 -r 15 -f video4linux -i /dev/video -vcodec mpeg4 -vb 428288 -s 320x240 -an -f mpegts - Tools/pipe-babscam-h264-mp3.sh:$HOME/pkgs/ffmpeg-r13556/bin/ffmpeg -f mpegts -i /dev/dvb/adapter0/dvr0 -vcodec libx264 -vb 428288 -s 320x240 -acodec libmp3lame -ab 96000 -ac 1 -deinterlace -f mpegts - Tools/createlivestream-njaal.py: # ffmpeg -i file.mpeg /dev/null Tools/pipe-arnocam-home.sh:ffmpeg -i /dev/video -vcodec mpeg4 -vb 428288 -s 320x240 -acodec mp3 -ab 96000 -ac 1 -f mpegts - Lang/english.lang:choosevideoanalyser = "Locate FFMPEG" Lang/english.lang:# videoanalyserwhereset = "Set it to FFMPEG in the Preferences / Video menu" Lang/english.lang:videoanalyserpath = "Path to the FFMPEG video analyser:" Main/Utility/utility.py: defaults['videoanalyserpath'] = self.getPath()+'\\ffmpeg.exe' Main/Utility/utility.py: ffmpegpath = find_prog_in_PATH("ffmpeg") Main/Utility/utility.py: if ffmpegpath is None: Main/Utility/utility.py: defaults['videoanalyserpath'] = "vlc/ffmpeg" Main/Utility/utility.py: defaults['videoanalyserpath'] = ffmpegpath Main/Utility/utility.py: ffmpegpath = find_prog_in_PATH("ffmpeg") Main/Utility/utility.py: if ffmpegpath is None: Main/Utility/utility.py: defaults['videoanalyserpath'] = "ffmpeg" Main/Utility/utility.py: defaults['videoanalyserpath'] = ffmpegpath Main/vwxGUI/TorrentStateManager.py: print >> sys.stderr, 'create_and_seed_metadata: FFMPEG - duration = %d, bitrate = %d, resolution = %s' % (duration, bitrate, resolution) Main/vwxGUI/TorrentStateManager.py: print >> sys.stderr, 'create_and_seed_metadata: FFMPEG - thumbnail created = %s, timecode = %d' % (path_exists, timecode)
I don't understand this bug. Why and what should be done?
libav replaced /usr/bin/ffmpeg with /usr/bin/avconv, it has different cli options.
(In reply to Nikoli from comment #2) > libav replaced /usr/bin/ffmpeg with /usr/bin/avconv, it has different cli > options. Can you give me a patch?
I looked at tribler-6.3.3 sources, seems it supports libav now: Core/SessionConfig.py- # Set video_analyser_path Core/SessionConfig.py- if sys.platform == 'win32': Core/SessionConfig.py- ffmpegname = u"ffmpeg.exe" Core/SessionConfig.py- elif sys.platform == 'darwin': Core/SessionConfig.py- ffmpegname = u"ffmpeg" Core/SessionConfig.py- else: Core/SessionConfig.py: ffmpegname = u"avconv" Core/SessionConfig.py- So most likely now it safe to have virtual/ffmpeg in deps, but better check if tribler actually works fine with libav. P.S. I also looked at tribler ebuilds, why they are not using any python eclasses at all? And python deps should have [${PYTHON_USEDEP}].
That code probably could be made much simpler.
This version is off the tree. Can you check 6.3.3?
(In reply to Anthony Basile from comment #6) > This version is off the tree. Can you check 6.3.3?