# crossdev -S -v -t i686-pc-linux-gnu ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * crossdev version: 20120721 * Host Portage ARCH: amd64 * Target Portage ARCH: x86 * Target System: i686-pc-linux-gnu * Stage: 4 (C/C++ compiler) * ABIs: default * binutils: binutils-[stable] * gcc: gcc-[stable] * headers: linux-headers-[stable] * libc: glibc-[stable] * CROSSDEV_OVERLAY: /usr/portage/local/layman/sunrise * PORT_LOGDIR: /var/log/portage * PORTAGE_CONFIGROOT: * Portage flags: -v _ - ~ - _ - ~ - _ - ~ - _ - ~ - _ - ~ - _ - ~ - _ - ~ - _ - ~ - _ - ~ - _ - ~ - _ - ~ - [...] NOOOOOOOOOO! Crossdev does NOT BELONG IN SUNRISE (and it is going to get blown away the next time I sync sunrise anyway). I did search through the docs, and didn't find any way of configuring this (I could have missed it, though).
Oops. Apparently that can be set from the command line (but it is still not documented well).