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Bug 46817 - Under UML Kernels, iptables fails to install due to kernel version
Summary: Under UML Kernels, iptables fails to install due to kernel version
Alias: None
Product: Gentoo Linux
Classification: Unclassified
Component: [OLD] Unspecified (show other bugs)
Hardware: x86 Linux
: High normal
Assignee: Daniel Ahlberg (RETIRED)
Depends on:
Reported: 2004-04-04 20:30 UTC by Matthew Crites
Modified: 2004-06-07 06:31 UTC (History)
0 users

See Also:
Package list:
Runtime testing required: ---


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Description Matthew Crites 2004-04-04 20:30:51 UTC
When I try to emerge iptables under a UML kernel, it wants to do a check_KV function in the ebuild.  However because the UML kernel does not have the source for the kernel, it does not have version.h in order to check the version via check_KV.  A better solution for UML kernels would be to check /proc/sys/kernel/osrelease.  I can get around this just by commenting out the check_KV function in the ebuild.  This is under the iptables-1.2.9.ebuild.

Reproducible: Always
Steps to Reproduce:
1. emerge iptables

Actual Results:  
 * Could not determine your kernel version.
 * Make sure that you have /usr/src/linux symlink.
 * And that said kernel has been configured.
 * You can also simply run the following command
 * in the kernel referenced by /usr/src/linux:
 *  make include/linux/version.h

!!! ERROR: net-firewall/iptables-1.2.9 failed.
!!! Function check_KV, Line 256, Exitcode 0
!!! (no error message)

Expected Results:  
Compile and install the software.

This is a UML kernel version 2.6.
Comment 1 Martin Holzer (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2004-04-05 23:25:33 UTC
what's UML ?
Comment 2 Matthew Crites 2004-04-06 09:09:18 UTC
UML is User Mode Linux.  It allows a person to run many Linux Kernel instances on one machine, mostly for complete virtual hosting with full root access on colocated machines.  For a lot more information see:
Comment 3 Tim Yamin (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2004-06-06 01:55:57 UTC
Not a kernel bug; this is an issue with the actual ebuild. Reassigning back to bug-wranglers. Thanks.
Comment 4 Daniel Ahlberg (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2004-06-07 06:31:30 UTC
I've added a possible fix to 1.2.9-r1. Please test it and send me a mail if it works or doesn't work. Thanks!