!seen pvdabeel results in: 22:13 < jeeves> pvdabeel (~pvdabeel@pvdabeel.developer.gentoo) was last seen joining #gentoo-sparc 3 days, 2 hours, 18 minutes ago. pvdabeel is still on #gentoo-sparc. 22:13 < GenBot> pvdabeel was last seen 4 hours, 58 minutes and 40 seconds ago, saying 'dams: pong' in #gentoo-dev. I have had people complaining about my inactivity based upon jeeves' statistics... A bit annoying ;-) Sorry for creating a bug report about this, didn't really knew who to contact.
Pieter, Is this an april fools joke? The stats are actually correct. Alot of people just don't understand how it works or how to work it. jeeves keeps very detailed logs about when people were last "!seen" and when they "!lastspoke" using the bseen. typing !help in a channel gives a listing of commands. So while I would agree it can cause confusion when there is a bots behaving in two totally different ways I'm inclined to point out. "seen was born with the eggdrop and jeeves is an eggdrop and seen has been known to work this way from the get go" Anyway I think kurt is the man you would want to talk to as I think he installed and maintains that aspect of the bot.
As solar noted, jeeves' behavior is correct.