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Bug 460870 - [mv overlay] rename zsh-syntax-highlighting-99999999-r1.ebuild to zsh-syntax-highlighting-9999-r1.ebuild
Summary: [mv overlay] rename zsh-syntax-highlighting-99999999-r1.ebuild to zsh-syntax-...
Alias: None
Product: Gentoo Linux
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Current packages (show other bugs)
Hardware: All Linux
: Normal minor
Assignee: Martin Väth
Depends on:
Reported: 2013-03-09 05:53 UTC by Joe M
Modified: 2013-03-09 16:55 UTC (History)
0 users

See Also:
Package list:
Runtime testing required: ---


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Description Joe M 2013-03-09 05:53:22 UTC

I read that having the version as 9999 follows the "package manager specification" and is also consistent across other packages.


Reproducible: Always
Comment 1 Ian Stakenvicius (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2013-03-09 12:49:06 UTC
The current version scheme is valid according to package manager specifications, as discussed on irc.  The extra digits may not be necessary in this case (at least right now, i didn't check the package's version history), but there's no requirement that a live ebuild only have four 9's when not explicitly required otherwise.
Comment 2 Joe M 2013-03-09 16:55:58 UTC
Hello Ian,

I had the below discussion on #gentoo.

00:15 < joe9> how can I tell emerge to install the 9999 version: I have this in my package.accept_keywords:
00:15 < joe9> wrong paste the last link.
00:15 < joe9>
00:15 < hydrogen> you probably need to add it to package.unmask
00:16 < hydrogen> -9999 tend to be hard masked
00:16 < joe9> hydrogen, ok. thanks.
00:17 < joe9> this is in my package.unmask. still
00:18 < hydrogen> what if you try emerge -a =sci-electronics/pcb-9999 ?
00:18 < hydrogen> hmm
00:19 < hydrogen> you know, I bet version 20110918 is > 9999
00:19 < hydrogen> based on math and all
00:19 < hydrogen> :)
00:19 < joe9> that works.
00:23 < hydrogen> yeah, it's the version thing
00:24 < hydrogen> you would need to mask >9999 in package.mask to prevent it from "upgrading"
00:24 < hydrogen> or rename it to 99999999 :)
00:32 < nawks> there is no pcb-9999
00:33 < nawks> weird
00:34 < joe9> nawks: it is my version. I am building it.
00:34 < nawks> aha
00:34 < joe9> hydrogen: thanks, I rebuilt it to 99999999
00:34 < joe9> s/rebuilt/renamed/
00:36 < nawks> joe9: that is the problem with that kind of version number.  i think most have learned to better numbering.  f.e.  pcb-1_beta-20110918
00:36 < nawks> and then pcb-9999 will be >
00:37 < hydrogen> I think thats against pms though
00:38 < nawks> pms?  there are no girls on the internet
00:38 < hydrogen> oh no
00:38 < nawks> numbers like sci-electronics/pcb-20110918 i think are deprecated
00:38 < hydrogen> I lied, you can have a number after the _beta bit
00:39 < nawks> i see that kind of numbering disappearing
00:39 < hydrogen> makes sense now that i'm thinking about it
00:39 < hydrogen> otherwise having two betas would kind of suck :)
00:39 < hydrogen> pcb-1_pre20110918 probably the most likely
00:39 < joe9> nawks, I will raise this as a bug with the pcb folks.
00:40 < hydrogen> well, I suspect that the fact that it's a snapshot from 2011 means they probably won't change much now
00:40 < hydrogen> but for the next snapshot,
00:40 < hydrogen> you never know!
00:41 < nawks> you have to check if that old version is because project is dead or because gentoo maintainer is dead
00:44 < joe9> nawks, hydrogen, I can submit the patch, if that helps.

Which made me open this bug.
