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Bug 4600 - New ebuild for checkinstall 1.5.2 (sys-apps)
Summary: New ebuild for checkinstall 1.5.2 (sys-apps)
Alias: None
Product: Gentoo Linux
Classification: Unclassified
Component: New packages (show other bugs)
Hardware: All Linux
: High enhancement
Assignee: Default Assignee for New Packages
Keywords: EBUILD
: 5354 13432 (view as bug list)
Depends on: 80891
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Reported: 2002-07-05 18:12 UTC by Alexander Holler
Modified: 2007-02-10 05:05 UTC (History)
4 users (show)

See Also:
Package list:
Runtime testing required: ---

checkinstall-1.5.3 ebuild (checkinstall-1.5.3.ebuild,1.32 KB, text/plain)
2005-02-05 08:28 UTC, Jeff Davidson
fixed checkinstall-1.5.3 ebuild for debian/slackware packages (checkinstall-1.5.3.ebuild,1.35 KB, text/plain)
2005-02-05 10:50 UTC, Jeff Davidson

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Description Alexander Holler 2002-07-05 18:12:31 UTC
I'm tired of this bugzilla. If anyone is interrested, the ebuild can be found  
Comment 1 Alexander Holler 2002-07-09 10:10:02 UTC
see bug #4056 also. 
Comment 2 Seemant Kulleen (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2002-07-24 16:07:26 UTC
*** Bug 5354 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 3 Martin Schlemmer (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2002-12-27 17:55:11 UTC
I cannot see the use for this with portage.
Comment 4 Alexander Holler 2003-01-07 12:28:56 UTC
The use of checkinstall is very handy. With checkinstall you could install any  
programm with configure, make, checkinstall (instead of make install) and  
because it is then installed as rpm you could delete that programm with a  
simple rpm -e. Very, very handy. 
Comment 5 Martin Holzer (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2003-01-07 12:31:39 UTC
as req in #13432
Comment 6 Martin Holzer (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2003-01-07 12:32:05 UTC
*** Bug 13432 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 7 Matija "hook" Šuklje 2004-01-22 01:01:54 UTC
i also thought that Gentoo doesn't need checkinstall (i used it on my Slackware isntall for years) ...and more or less Gentoo really doesn't need it ...but if you're building .rpm or .deb or slack .tgz (or whatever other package) for some other distro it's a must-have.

...yea, i just realised it, now that i have to make .rpm's at work for a RH9 based distro :P ...oh, and me and the rpm-build command just don't merge :(

so, yea, i think it won't kill us having this awesome app in portage ...and i'm pretty sure i'm not the only idiot who'd find some use for it.
Comment 8 Jeff Davidson 2005-02-05 08:28:22 UTC
Created attachment 50448 [details]
checkinstall-1.5.3 ebuild

checkinstall ebuild for latest stable version
Comment 9 Jeff Davidson 2005-02-05 08:29:31 UTC
Note: The attached ebuild is untested.  I took it off of a site I found off google, modified the header, and bumped the version.  I'm merging it now to see if it will work, and I have to wait for the rpm dependencies to compile.  Will fix if something bombs, but just wanted to get this up there.
Comment 10 Jeff Davidson 2005-02-05 09:34:29 UTC
Tested, builds fine (some dodoc or something errors I can't figure out how to fix, but they don't seem to matter and the installed files all seem to be in the right place).  RPM packages can build, however, dpkg needs to be added to the dependencies for debian packages, and for slackware packages to work I think someone will have to write an ebuild for slackware's utils.  I'll give it a shot.
Comment 11 Jeff Davidson 2005-02-05 10:50:56 UTC
Created attachment 50461 [details]
fixed checkinstall-1.5.3 ebuild for debian/slackware packages
Comment 12 Jeff Davidson 2005-02-05 11:02:02 UTC
Depends on bug 80891.
Comment 13 Naviathan 2005-03-15 00:14:02 UTC
Definetly need to add this.  I'm surprised it's not already here.  I've been using checkinstall for years with LFS systems I've built.
Comment 14 Jakub Moc (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2005-08-17 02:51:51 UTC
*** Bug 102799 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 15 Jakub Moc (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2005-08-17 02:56:47 UTC
Uh. That's really the last thing we need - to produce broken packages for other
distros on Gentoo. And checkinstall *does* produce broken packages.
Comment 16 Raphael 2005-08-17 03:07:23 UTC
Bug 102799 is not a duplicate of this bug as it requests a checkinstall *like*
system to make ebuilds for gentoo and not a system for making packages for other
Comment 17 Alexander Holler 2006-02-16 04:07:03 UTC
Please, no critcs on the church of Gentoo. You have to learn the e-language. ;)
Nobody here wanted something to build packages for other systems.
See comment #4.
Comment 18 Raphael 2006-02-16 04:34:55 UTC
Comment 4 refers to rpms! Clearly on gentoo it would have to make an ebuild.
Comment 19 Alexander Holler 2006-02-16 05:22:27 UTC
I don't think something like checkinstall which builds an ebuild will happen in the next few years. 
My intention in comment #4 is to be able to install and remove a something without a ebuild quick and without anything left after deinstallation. checkinstall in combination with rpm (haven't tested the other formats) does this without any problems, so it is my tool for that job. Just forget that it uses rpm. 
Besides that, rpm isn't something hazardous needed to avoid. ;)
Comment 20 Simon Stelling (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2006-08-03 05:50:07 UTC
this belongs to maintainer-wanted
Comment 21 Jakub Moc (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2007-02-03 22:32:11 UTC
Apparently none Gentoo developer wants to maintain such thing.

Comment 22 Alexander Holler 2007-02-10 05:05:33 UTC
Sure, I assume all interessted people already left Gentoo alone because of people like you. ;)