While researching why my ACPI temp does not show up in icewm 1.3.7, I found a patch for that particular problem, as well as a few other interesting bits. The attached patches were both lifted from: http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?words=tracker_browse&sort=open_date&sortdir=desc&offset=0&group_id=31&atid=300031&assignee=&status=1&category=&artgroup=&keyword=&submitter=&artifact_id=0 I have done nothing but reformatting the patches slightly. An ebuild maintainer might want to review the URL above for other interesting patches. icewm-1.3.7-cputemp.patch Dmitriy Khanzhin ( dvkh ) - 2011-04-10 07:45:21 PDT Now /proc/acpi/thermal_zone/ is no longer exist. (For core2-class CPUs.) This patch added request of the CPU temperature from /sys/class/thermal/. icewm-1.3.7-option-TaskBarClockUpdateInterval.patch From: Timo Juhani Lindfors <timo.lindfors@iki.fi> Date: Mon, 11 Oct 2010 14:28:08 +0300 Subject: [PATCH] Add new option TaskBarClockUpdateInterval for reducing wakeups from idle Currently icewm wakes up every second to update the clock even if it only shows hours and minutes. Detecting if %S is used is hard. This patch implements an option that lets the user to manually specify how often he wants the clock to update itself. Future improvement would of course be to synchronize this to real time somehow.
Created attachment 335946 [details, diff] Reads CPU temp from the correct file in /sys
Created attachment 335948 [details, diff] Adds the option of updating the taskbar clock less often, reducing wakeups
meh. please allow me to figure out what went wrong here before this is merged.
Comment on attachment 335946 [details, diff] Reads CPU temp from the correct file in /sys obviosuly broken. sorry
Created attachment 335952 [details, diff] Reads CPU temp from the correct file in /sys This works on my core2 laptop. My i7 laptop does not appear to have the appropriate entry in /sys/class/thermal. Unless I am missing some kernel option. Investigating. In any case: It works on core2 and is not a net loss on any other system.
Created attachment 335954 [details] updated ebuild adds: patch for making core2 show correct cpu temp in toolbar patch enabling an option for updating the toolbar clock less often, causing fewer wakeups
My i7 laptop is a macbook air, so I'll never have a thermal_zone0 unless someone patches the acpi tables. The contributed patches should work for everyone with a thermal_zone0.
That's a lot of patching. Is upstream aware of this?
Uh. No. 1. This is not a lot of patching. These are trivial by my yardstick. One real bugfix, one new option which is disabled by default. 2. I lifted these patches from the official icewm bugtracker, so upstream should be fully aware of this. 3. .... but icewm is fairly close to dead upstream. Sad but true. The last commit to icewm happened 8 months ago. Some attribute this to icewm being mature. While I can attest to that evaluation, I do think it is "interesting" to see the apparently obvious bugfix patch be untouched by the upstream maintainer for close to two years.
+*icewm-1.3.7-r1 (06 Sep 2013) + + 06 Sep 2013; Pacho Ramos <pacho@gentoo.org> +files/icewm, + +files/icewm-1.3.7-configurenotify.patch, +files/icewm-1.3.7-deprecated.patch, + +files/icewm-1.3.7-dso.patch, +files/icewm-1.3.7-menuiconsize.patch, + +files/icewm-1.3.7-thermal.patch, +files/icewm-defaults.patch, + +files/icewm-fribidi.patch, +files/icewm-keys.patch, +files/icewm-menu.patch, + +files/icewm-startup, +files/icewm-toolbar.patch, +files/icewm-wmclient.patch, + +files/icewm-xdg-menu, +icewm-1.3.7-r1.ebuild: + Use Fedora patches to fix a lot if bugs, also menu handling. Fix thermal + information handling (#452730 by Dag Bakke). + This includes the thermal patch, but not the rest: My clock shows seconds by default, also please provide a patch that doesn't touch defaults