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Bug 45228 - Problem with gdmflexiserver and keyboard maps
Summary: Problem with gdmflexiserver and keyboard maps
Alias: None
Product: Gentoo Linux
Classification: Unclassified
Component: [OLD] GNOME (show other bugs)
Hardware: All Linux
: Low minor
Assignee: Gentoo Linux Gnome Desktop Team
Depends on:
Reported: 2004-03-20 12:35 UTC by Gareth Bult
Modified: 2005-04-28 05:47 UTC (History)
3 users (show)

See Also:
Package list:
Runtime testing required: ---


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Description Gareth Bult 2004-03-20 12:35:08 UTC
This *might* be a problem with mixing X86 and AMD64 servers / clients, or it may be generic. Either way, there is a bug in the implementation.

When I run gdmflexiserver on my AMD64 system, TO my X86 system, it works fine, but the keyboard map of my AMD64 system is reset and although the flexiserver session has the right keyboard map, the other xterms on the AMD64 all start mixing up keys. 

(it looks like it reverts to a US keyboard when they both should be UK)

I've patched the problem by inserting an "exit 0" in;

After the end of the first if block and before the "if command" ..

This works, although I don't know what else might break.

Essentially, the code fragment below from the above file is broken.
if command -v setxkbmap > /dev/null 2>&1; then
  # FIXME: is this all right?  Is this completely on crack?
  # What this does is move the xkb configuration from the GDM_PARENT_DISPLAY
  # FIXME: This should be done in code.  Or there must be an easier way ...
  if [ -n "$GDM_PARENT_DISPLAY" ]; then
    if [ -n "$XKBSETUP" ]; then
      XKBKEYMAP=`echo "$XKBSETUP" | grep '^keymap' | awk '{ print $2 }'`
      XKBTYPES=`echo "$XKBSETUP" | grep '^types' | awk '{ print $2 }'`
      XKBCOMPAT=`echo "$XKBSETUP" | grep '^compat' | awk '{ print $2 }'`
      XKBSYMBOLS=`echo "$XKBSETUP" | grep '^symbols' | awk '{ print $2 }'`
      XKBGEOMETRY=`echo "$XKBSETUP" | grep '^geometry' | awk '{ print $2 }'`
      if [ -n "$XKBKEYMAP" ]; then
        setxkbmap -keymap "$XKBKEYMAP"
      elif [ -n "$XKBTYPES" -a -n "$XKBCOMPAT" -a -n "$XKBSYMBOLS" -a -n "$XKBGEOMETRY" ]; then
        setxkbmap -types "$XKBTYPES" -compat "$XKBCOMPAT" -symbols "$XKBSYMBOLS" -geometry "$XKBGEOMETRY"
      elif [ -n "$XKBTYPES" -a -n "$XKBCOMPAT" -a -n "$XKBSYMBOLS" ]; then
        setxkbmap -types "$XKBTYPES" -compat "$XKBCOMPAT" -symbols "$XKBSYMBOLS"
      elif [ -n "$XKBSYMBOLS" ]; then
        setxkbmap -symbols "$XKBSYMBOLS"

Reproducible: Always
Steps to Reproduce:
0. set your workstation with a UK keyboard, /usr/bin/gkb_xmmap uk
1. ssh anotherhost gdmflexiserver --xnest -geometry=1024x768
2. go to another local xterm
3. press "shift-2"

Actual Results:  
You get a "@"

Expected Results:  
You should get a '"'
Comment 1 majx 2004-06-06 14:17:39 UTC
Maybe you check this one too:
For me the Keys Strg+Alt or AltGr won't work beeing pressed when starting 
gdmflexiserver --xnest
Comment 2 Ronny Haryanto 2004-07-08 06:02:57 UTC
I have one of those keyboards that have multimedia keys (play/pause, next, previous, stop, volume up, volume down). I can map the keys in GNOME 2.6 with gnome-keybinding-properties program so that they work with rhythmbox.

After running 'gdmflexiserver --xnest' and logout from the nested session, my multimedia keys stopped working, even after I run gnome-keybinding-properties again.
Comment 3 Andrew Cowie 2004-07-10 21:36:42 UTC
Sorry, I'm not clear - you think this is a bug in something Gentoo is doing, or a bug in the upstream GDM code?

If the latter, have you filed a bug at [and/or looked to see if there is one there already?] If there is, and it hasn't been addressed, then please put a link here to the upstream bug.

[we need to know if this is an issue conclusively blocking wider release of gnome 2.6.x as a whole]

Thanks, AfC
Comment 4 foser (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2004-08-08 05:56:42 UTC
Andrew is right, i'm not sure what to do with this at this point. Maybe the amd64 team can reproduce ?
Comment 5 John N. Laliberte (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2005-03-25 21:09:30 UTC
have you fixed this issue or are you still trying a workaround?
Comment 6 John N. Laliberte (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2005-04-28 05:47:57 UTC
closing as wontfix, due to inactivity by the reporter, and age of the bug. reopen if its still an issue.