It is not possible, unless by intervention by hand, to set congigure options invoking widget libraries like --with-screen=Xaw3d; this is essential for using menus in xvile Reproducible: Always Steps to Reproduce: 1.emerge xvile 2.xvile 3. Actual Results: xvile opens its window without any menu on the top Expected Results: opening a window with a menu line on the top, as defined in a .vilemenu file in /usr/share/vile (see /usr/doc/xvile-9.4d/menus.doc.gz)
Do you have suggestions for how to modify the ebuild? A patch would speed this along... ;-)
A minimal modification would be let the xvile ebuild handle the value "Xaw3d" of the USE variable; actually the (x)vile ebuild only handles the value "perl"
Closing this as needinfo. Please reopen if you can provide a patch for the ebuild.