QA Notice: This package installs one or more .desktop files that do not pass validation. /usr/share/applications/winetricks.desktop: error: value "Wine;" for key "Categories" in group "Desktop Entry" contains an unregistered value "Wine"; values extending the format should start with "X-" Reproducible: Always
The warning is spurious. app-emulation/wine installs a custom Wine category (/etc/xdg/applications-merged/ so winetricks.desktop has the right to use it. The problem is that desktop-file-validate only checks for the default category list, and does not look in applications-merged. This behavior is good for developers who need to write upstreamable .desktop files that will work on any distro, but it's bad for Gentoo where we know that a prerequisite applications-merged file with the needed category is guaranteed to have been installed. The solution is to either 1. patch desktop-file-utils to optionally ignore additional categories installed via applications-merged mechanism; or 2. figure out some mechanism to allow portage to ignore QA warnings for known-good .desktop files; or 3. live with the QA warning and just mark this as "resolved wontfix".
And just to clarify: the reason why winetricks.desktop is in the "Wine" category and not in "X-Wine" is because the per-user .desktop, .menu, and .directory files that are automatically generated by Wine when you install any Windows application set up a local category tree rooted at "Wine".
(In reply to comment #1) > 2. figure out some mechanism to allow portage to ignore QA warnings for > known-good .desktop files; or QA_DESKTOP_FILE as added to portage:;a=commit;h=8ba939d53e52a88c183a2db95d1e51f04b0d9bb6
Thanks, worked around using QA_DESKTOP_FILE mechanism. +*winetricks-935 (19 Jan 2013) + + 19 Jan 2013; Alexandre Rostovtsev <> + -winetricks-927.ebuild, winetricks-931.ebuild, +winetricks-935.ebuild, + winetricks-99999999.ebuild: + Version bump, drop old. Silence QA messages about Wine category in .desktop + file (bug #451552, thanks to Ilya Gordeev and Michael Palimaka).