Created attachment 335200 [details] opencascade-6.5.4 w/ tcl8.6 please test the ebuilds if freecad doesn't work as expected (missing menus, etc.)
Created attachment 335202 [details, diff] opencascade-6.5.3-makefile.patch
Created attachment 335204 [details, diff] opencascade-6.5.2-fixed-tbb-VERSION.patch
Created attachment 335206 [details, diff] opencascade-6.5.2-fixed-DESTDIR.patch
Created attachment 335208 [details, diff] opencascade-6.5.1-fixed-OSD_include.patch
Created attachment 335210 [details, diff] opencascade-6.5.4-tcl8.6.patch
Created attachment 335212 [details] opencascade-6.5.4.ebuild
Created attachment 335214 [details] netgen-4.9.13.ebuild
Created attachment 335216 [details, diff] netgen-4.9.13-PI-is-missing.patch
Created attachment 335218 [details, diff] netgen-4.9.13-occ-Makefile.patch
Created attachment 335220 [details, diff] netgen-ffmpeg-0.6.patch
Created attachment 335222 [details, diff] netgen-occ-6.5.1.patch
Created attachment 335224 [details] netgen.desktop
Created attachment 335226 [details] netgen.png
Created attachment 335228 [details] freecad-0.12.5284-r2.ebuild
Created attachment 335230 [details] freecad-0.12.5284-r2 patches
Created attachment 335232 [details] freecad shot
See bug #124182, to avoid this bug from becoming too hectic you should consider to revive that bug and add the netgen related files there instead of here. Since I've put myself CC there I can help you change the summary title. As for freecad, that ebuild version already is in Portage. Could you explain why you have changed it and which changes you have done? It looks like you have stripped quite some things from that file. Also, what is your intention with this bug? Version bump of opencascade?
(In reply to comment #17) > See bug #124182, to avoid this bug from becoming too hectic you should > consider to revive that bug and add the netgen related files there instead > of here. Since I've put myself CC there I can help you change the summary > title. > > As for freecad, that ebuild version already is in Portage. Could you explain > why you have changed it and which changes you have done? It looks like you > have stripped quite some things from that file. > > Also, what is your intention with this bug? Version bump of opencascade? Also, please, file one bug per affected package
It is more about freecad. freecad in gentoo portage isn't working for me or is incomplete and instable. Have a try and compare it with the image 'freecat shot' as an example. You won't even get the 'browser' working. Opencascade environment variables in gentoo are for a large part the culprit and didn't fit with freecad needs. Please, get in mind it was a long time since I tried the gentoo portage version of opencascade (lack of time and motivation). Things could have changed since. The opencascade ebuild here isn't compatible with the one in portage and probably won't work with other tools. The bundle was also intended for users more interested in freecad. PS: netgen is just a dependency
Then please file a bug about freecad only and link to the existing other package bugs in the "depends on" field of your bug. If one of the existing bugs doesn't suffice for freecad, you could contribute to them. Their versions were outdated, so updated ebuilds are certainly welcome there... Also, try to see if you can bisect what the vital changes are to make freecad work better. There isn't much we can do with "a lot of attachments" without any explanation on how and why they are different...
Comment on attachment 335210 [details, diff] opencascade-6.5.4-tcl8.6.patch used for 6.5.4 version bump
+*opencascade-6.5.4 (26 Apr 2013) +*opencascade-6.5.0 (26 Apr 2013) + + 26 Apr 2013; Michael Weber <> +opencascade-6.5.0.ebuild, + +opencascade-6.5.4.ebuild, +files/opencascade-6.5.4-fixed-DESTDIR.patch, + +files/opencascade-6.5.4-tcl8.6.patch, metadata.xml: + Taking maint, version bumps (thanks Sławek Lis, bug 438466, thanks +, bug 451406). No keywords, needs further testing of slots + etc. +
Comment on attachment 335204 [details, diff] opencascade-6.5.2-fixed-tbb-VERSION.patch applied