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Bug 45094 - KDE crashes on startup (AMD64)
Summary: KDE crashes on startup (AMD64)
Alias: None
Product: Gentoo Linux
Classification: Unclassified
Component: [OLD] KDE (show other bugs)
Hardware: AMD64 Linux
: High normal
Assignee: AMD64 Project
Depends on:
Reported: 2004-03-18 18:52 UTC by David Milford
Modified: 2004-04-16 06:04 UTC (History)
0 users

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Runtime testing required: ---


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Description David Milford 2004-03-18 18:52:15 UTC
I installed Gentoo 2004.0 for AMD64 on my ASUS K8V Deluxe, Athlon 64 3200+, Radeon 9800 Pro system using genkernel from Stage 3.

I emerged xfree86 and configured it, and it appears to have worked.  "startx", prior to the KDE install, launched the ugly default window manager, and the mouse and keyboard worked as well.  

I then emerged kde, letting it compile and install overnight.  After setting my XSESSION variable and registering it, I typed "startx" to launch KDE.

It begins to start up, where the mouse can be moved for a few seconds.  The resolution appears to be set correctly, and it begins to draw the First Time Wizard box when the entire system freezes.  All that's on the screen is a plain white box over a blueish background, with about 10-15 pixels of the titlebar drawn from left to right.  

The system is completely unresponsive at his point.  I cannot switch vterms or use CTRL-ALT-DEL.

Running the KDM via typing "kdm" also locks up, though this time it happens instantly and does not let me use the mouse or anything.  But, it does draw the entire login box before locking up.

Reproducible: Always
Steps to Reproduce:
1. Install Gentoo 2004.0 from stage3 on an AMD64 system
2. emerge xfree86
3. configure xfree86
4. emerge kde
5. try to run KDE
Actual Results:  
The entire system becomes unresponsive (a hard lock?)

Expected Results:  
Launched KDE

ASUS K8V Deluxe (Latest BIOS 1005)
XFree86 3.3 (selected the "generic Radeon" driver for my Radeon 9800 Pro)
KDE 3.2.0
Comment 1 Danny van Dyk (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2004-03-21 10:56:33 UTC
Do you use >=xfree-4.3.99 or xfree-4.3 ?
If you use xfree-4.3 and have configured to use the radeon driver in XF86Config, that's a know issue. 4.3 doesn't work with newer Radeons. You could then:
1. Switch to "vesa" driver for xfree-4.3
2. Emerge xfree- (latest 4.4 beta, still masked). This works well for many amd64 user, including myself.
Comment 2 Jason Huebel (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2004-03-29 12:40:58 UTC
It would also be helpful if you could provide your emerge info... And please attach your XF86Config.
Comment 3 Travis Tilley (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2004-04-10 23:53:50 UTC
i'm on an amd64 box and kde works here, so this isn't a kde bug. you also mentioned using a radeon, which has known issues with 4.3. i'd say that xfree 4.3 is unofficially deprecated on gentoo/amd64 anyways, due to a number of issues not even related to driver support... it's not up to me, but if it were xfree would be officially deprecated as soon as xorg-x11 is marked stable.

please install xorg-x11 with:
ACCEPT_KEYWORDS="~amd64" emerge xorg-x11

and let us know how you do. if this fixes things, it might even be possible to whip up a patch for xfree... but since i dont have an ATI (and I dont think any other amd64 devs do), I dont know if that would actually get done.
Comment 4 Travis Tilley (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2004-04-16 06:04:55 UTC
works for me. re-open this bug if you continue to have problems...