The ebuild currently has LICENSE="GPL-2" but this is far from complete. License.txt even contains some clauses to the effect that we are not allowed to redistribute the package on our mirrors (nor are users allowed to distribute the binary package). Some examples: "Certain ancillary programs included in the Logitech Media Server distribution on our web site are licensed to us only for direct distribution to end-users. "Squeezebox firmare may not be redistributed under any circumstances." "Slim Devices logos, graphics, animations, and documentation are (c) Slim Devices and are not licensed for redistribution." Please update LICENSE and add RESTRICT="bindist mirror". (Note: I'm aware that this is package.masked. But even if it's moved to an overlay, the ebuild shouldn't claim that the package is free software, which would be misleading to users.)
Agreed -- the marking as GPL-2 is definitely wrong. Thanks for the clarification. As I've created the overlay now I've updated the package there and pushed the update to o.g.o ('squeezebox' overlay). (Note that I don't have access to the main tree and so can't fix the old masked version there).