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Bug 450702 - media-libs/netpbm-10.61.00 partially ignores CC flag
Summary: media-libs/netpbm-10.61.00 partially ignores CC flag
Alias: None
Product: Gentoo Linux
Classification: Unclassified
Component: [OLD] Library (show other bugs)
Hardware: All Linux
: Normal normal
Assignee: Gentoo Graphics Project
Depends on:
Blocks: tc-directly
  Show dependency tree
Reported: 2013-01-07 09:41 UTC by Marcin Mirosław
Modified: 2013-01-08 11:30 UTC (History)
0 users

See Also:
Package list:
Runtime testing required: ---

build.log (build.log,52.89 KB, text/plain)
2013-01-07 09:41 UTC, Marcin Mirosław
environment (environment,77.58 KB, text/plain)
2013-01-07 09:43 UTC, Marcin Mirosław

Note You need to log in before you can comment on or make changes to this bug.
Description Marcin Mirosław 2013-01-07 09:41:49 UTC
Created attachment 334720 [details]

# grep gcc /var/tmp/portage/media-libs/netpbm-10.61.00/temp/build.log 
x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-gcc -c -o typegen.o -O4 -march=native -pipe -g -fno-unwind-tables -fno-asynchronous-unwind-tables typegen.c
x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-gcc -o typegen -Wl,-O1 -Wl,--as-needed typegen.o
x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-gcc -c -o endiangen.o -O4 -march=native -pipe -g -fno-unwind-tables -fno-asynchronous-unwind-tables endiangen.c
x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-gcc -o endiangen -Wl,-O1 -Wl,--as-needed endiangen.o
rm -f importinc/netpbm/wordaccess_gcc3_be.h
ln -sf /var/tmp/portage/media-libs/netpbm-10.61.00/work/netpbm-10.61.00/lib/util/wordaccess_gcc3_be.h importinc/netpbm/wordaccess_gcc3_be.h
x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-gcc -c -o libopt.o -O4 -march=native -pipe -g -fno-unwind-tables -fno-asynchronous-unwind-tables \
x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-gcc -o libopt -Wl,-O1 -Wl,--as-needed libopt.o

And finally netpbm fails to compile:
make[2]: Opuszczenie katalogu `/var/tmp/portage/media-libs/netpbm-10.61.00/work/netpbm-10.61.00/lib/util'
make -C util/ -f /var/tmp/portage/media-libs/netpbm-10.61.00/work/netpbm-10.61.00/lib/util/Makefile \
        SRCDIR=/var/tmp/portage/media-libs/netpbm-10.61.00/work/netpbm-10.61.00 BUILDDIR=/var/tmp/portage/media-libs/netpbm-10.61.00/work/netpbm-10.61.00 vasprintf.o 
clang -Wall -c -I.  -I"/var/tmp/portage/media-libs/netpbm-10.61.00/work/netpbm-10.61.00"/importinc -I"/var/tmp/portage/media-libs/netpbm-10.61.00/work/netpbm-10.61.00"/importinc/netpbm -I/var/tmp/portage/media-libs/netpbm-10.61.00/work/netpbm-10.61.00/lib  -DNDEBUG  -O4 -march=native -pipe -g -fno-unwind-tables -fno-asynchronous-unwind-tables -fPIC   -o libpm.o libpm.c
make[2]: Wejście do katalogu `/var/tmp/portage/media-libs/netpbm-10.61.00/work/netpbm-10.61.00/lib/util'
make[2]: `vasprintf.o' jest aktualne.
make[2]: Opuszczenie katalogu `/var/tmp/portage/media-libs/netpbm-10.61.00/work/netpbm-10.61.00/lib/util'
clang -Wall -Wl,-O1 -Wl,--as-needed -shared -Wl,-soname, -o libpm.o pmfileio.o fileio.o bitio.o colorname.o libpamd.o libpbm1.o libpbm2.o libpbm3.o libpbmfont.o libpgm1.o libpgm2.o libppm1.o libppm2.o libppmcmap.o libppmcolor.o libppmfuzzy.o libppmd.o ppmdfont.o standardppmdfont.o path.o libppmfloyd.o libpnm1.o libpnm2.o libpnm3.o libpam.o libpamread.o libpamwrite.o libpamn.o libpammap.o libpamcolor.o libsystem.o  util/filename.o util/io.o util/mallocvar.o util/matrix.o util/nsleep.o util/nstring.o util/shhopt.o util/token.o util/vasprintf.o  \
          -lc -lm 
rm -f libnetpbm.a
x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-ar rc libnetpbm.a libpm.o pmfileio.o fileio.o bitio.o colorname.o libpamd.o libpbm1.o libpbm2.o libpbm3.o libpbmfont.o libpgm1.o libpgm2.o libppm1.o libppm2.o libppmcmap.o libppmcolor.o libppmfuzzy.o libppmd.o ppmdfont.o standardppmdfont.o path.o libppmfloyd.o libpnm1.o libpnm2.o libpnm3.o libpam.o libpamread.o libpamwrite.o libpamn.o libpammap.o libpamcolor.o libsystem.o  util/filename.o util/io.o util/mallocvar.o util/matrix.o util/nsleep.o util/nstring.o util/shhopt.o util/token.o util/vasprintf.o 
/usr/bin/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-ld: error: libpm.o:1:3: invalid character
/usr/bin/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-ld: error: libpm.o:1:3: syntax error, unexpected $end
/usr/bin/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-ld: error: libpm.o: not an object or archive
/usr/bin/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-ld: error: pmfileio.o:1:3: invalid character
/usr/bin/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-ld: error: pmfileio.o:1:3: syntax error, unexpected $end
/usr/bin/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-ld: error: pmfileio.o: not an object or archive
/usr/bin/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-ld: error: fileio.o:1:3: invalid character
/usr/bin/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-ld: error: fileio.o:1:3: syntax error, unexpected $end
[ cut - comment too long for bugzilla ]
/usr/bin/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-ld: error: util/vasprintf.o: not an object or archive
x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-ranlib libnetpbm.a
clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)
make[1]: *** [] Błąd 1
make[1]: *** Oczekiwanie na niezakończone zadania....
make[1]: Opuszczenie katalogu `/var/tmp/portage/media-libs/netpbm-10.61.00/work/netpbm-10.61.00/lib'
make: *** [lib/all] Błąd 2
 * ERROR: media-libs/netpbm-10.61.00 failed (compile phase):
 *   emake failed
 * If you need support, post the output of `emerge --info '=media-libs/netpbm-10.61.00'`,
 * the complete build log and the output of `emerge -pqv '=media-libs/netpbm-10.61.00'`.
 * The complete build log is located at '/var/tmp/portage/media-libs/netpbm-10.61.00/temp/build.log'.
 * The ebuild environment file is located at '/var/tmp/portage/media-libs/netpbm-10.61.00/temp/environment'.
 * Working directory: '/var/tmp/portage/media-libs/netpbm-10.61.00/work/netpbm-10.61.00'
 * S: '/var/tmp/portage/media-libs/netpbm-10.61.00/work/netpbm-10.61.00'

>>> Failed to emerge media-libs/netpbm-10.61.00, Log file:

>>>  '/var/tmp/portage/media-libs/netpbm-10.61.00/temp/build.log'

# emerge --info
Portage 2.2.0_alpha149 (default/linux/amd64/10.0/desktop/kde, gcc-4.7.2, glibc-2.16.0, 3.7.1-gentoo x86_64)
System uname: Linux-3.7.1-gentoo-x86_64-Intel-R-_Core-TM-2_Duo_CPU_E8400_@_3.00GHz-with-gentoo-2.2
Timestamp of tree: Mon, 07 Jan 2013 07:00:01 +0000
ld GNU gold (GNU Binutils 2.23.1) 1.11
ccache version 3.1.9 [enabled]
app-shells/bash:          4.2_p42
dev-java/java-config:     2.1.12-r1
dev-lang/python:          2.7.3-r3, 3.2.3-r2
dev-util/ccache:          3.1.9
dev-util/pkgconfig:       0.27.1
sys-apps/baselayout:      2.2
sys-apps/openrc:          0.11.8
sys-apps/sandbox:         2.6
sys-devel/autoconf:       2.13, 2.69
sys-devel/automake:       1.11.6, 1.12.6
sys-devel/binutils:       2.23.1
sys-devel/gcc:            4.5.4, 4.7.2
sys-devel/gcc-config:     1.8
sys-devel/libtool:        2.4.2
sys-devel/make:           3.82-r4
sys-kernel/linux-headers: 3.7 (virtual/os-headers)
sys-libs/glibc:           2.16.0
Repositories: gentoo
ACCEPT_KEYWORDS="amd64 ~amd64"
ACCEPT_LICENSE="* -@EULA AdobeFlash-10.3 PUEL Q3AEULA skype-eula dlj-1.1 Oracle-BCLA-JavaSE"
CFLAGS="-O4 -march=native -pipe -g -fno-unwind-tables -fno-asynchronous-unwind-tables"
CONFIG_PROTECT="/etc /usr/share/config /usr/share/gnupg/qualified.txt /usr/share/openvpn/easy-rsa /usr/share/polkit-1/actions"
CONFIG_PROTECT_MASK="${EPREFIX}/etc/gconf /etc/ca-certificates.conf /etc/env.d /etc/fonts/fonts.conf /etc/gconf /etc/gentoo-release /etc/revdep-rebuild /etc/sandbox.d /etc/terminfo"
CXXFLAGS="-O4 -march=native -pipe -g -fno-unwind-tables -fno-asynchronous-unwind-tables"
FCFLAGS="-O2 -pipe"
FEATURES="Xfail-clean Xkeepwork assume-digests binpkg-logs ccache collision-protect compressdebug config-protect-if-modified distlocks ebuild-locks fixlafiles merge-sync news parallel-fetch preserve-libs protect-owned sandbox sfperms splitdebug strict unmerge-backup unmerge-logs unmerge-orphans userfetch userpriv usersandbox usersync xattr"
FFLAGS="-O2 -pipe"
LDFLAGS="-Wl,-O1 -Wl,--as-needed"
PORTAGE_RSYNC_OPTS="--recursive --links --safe-links --perms --times --compress --force --whole-file --delete --stats --human-readable --timeout=180 --exclude=/distfiles --exclude=/local --exclude=/packages"
USE="64bit X a52 aac acl acpi aio alsa amd64 apm async bash-completion bittorrent branding bzip2 cairo caps cdda cdr chroot cli consolekit crypt cups cxx dbus declarative dmx dri dvd dvdr emboss encode exif fam firefox ftp gif glibc-omitfp gpm graphite gstreamer iconv idn iproute2 ipv6 ithreads jpeg kde kipi laptop lcms libnotify lightning logrotate mad mmap mmx mmxext mng modules mp3 mp4 mpeg mudflap multilib ncurses network-cron nls nptl nsplugin nspluginwrapper objc ogg opengl openmp openssl optimization optimized-qmake pam pango pch pcre pdf phonon plasma png policykit ppds pppd qt3support qt4 readline samba sdl semantic-desktop session sharedmem smp spell sse sse2 sse3 sse4_1 ssl ssse3 startup-notification svg threads threadsafe tiff tools truetype udev udisks unicode upower urandom usb vim vim-pager vim-syntax vorbis wxwidgets x264 xattr xcb xcomposite xinerama xml xscreensaver xv xvid zip zlib" ALSA_CARDS="ali5451 als4000 atiixp atiixp-modem bt87x ca0106 cmipci emu10k1x ens1370 ens1371 es1938 es1968 fm801 hda-intel intel8x0 intel8x0m maestro3 trident usb-audio via82xx via82xx-modem ymfpci" ALSA_PCM_PLUGINS="adpcm alaw asym copy dmix dshare dsnoop empty extplug file hooks iec958 ioplug ladspa lfloat linear meter mmap_emul mulaw multi null plug rate route share shm softvol" APACHE2_MODULES="actions alias auth_basic authn_alias authn_anon authn_dbm authn_default authn_file authz_dbm authz_default authz_groupfile authz_host authz_owner authz_user autoindex cgid dav dbd deflate dir env expires ext_filter filter headers include info log_config logio mime mime_magic negotiation rewrite setenvif speling status unique_id usertrack vhost_alias" APACHE2_MPMS="worker" CALLIGRA_FEATURES="kexi words flow plan sheets stage tables krita karbon braindump" CAMERAS="ptp2" COLLECTD_PLUGINS="df interface irq load memory rrdtool swap syslog" DRACUT_MODULES="caps lvm mdraid" ELIBC="glibc" GPSD_PROTOCOLS="ashtech aivdm earthmate evermore fv18 garmin garmintxt gpsclock itrax mtk3301 nmea ntrip navcom oceanserver oldstyle oncore rtcm104v2 rtcm104v3 sirf superstar2 timing tsip tripmate tnt ubx" INPUT_DEVICES="evdev" KERNEL="linux" LCD_DEVICES="bayrad cfontz cfontz633 glk hd44780 lb216 lcdm001 mtxorb ncurses text" LIBREOFFICE_EXTENSIONS="presenter-console presenter-minimizer" LINGUAS="pl en es es_ES" PHP_TARGETS="php5-3" PYTHON_SINGLE_TARGET="python2_7" PYTHON_TARGETS="python2_7 python3_2" RUBY_TARGETS="ruby19" USERLAND="GNU" VIDEO_CARDS="nvidia" XTABLES_ADDONS="quota2 psd pknock lscan length2 ipv4options ipset ipp2p iface geoip fuzzy condition tee tarpit sysrq steal rawnat logmark ipmark dhcpmac delude chaos account"
Comment 1 Marcin Mirosław 2013-01-07 09:43:06 UTC
Created attachment 334722 [details]
Comment 2 SpanKY gentoo-dev 2013-01-07 17:28:22 UTC
please do a bit more analysis besides `grep gcc`.  those things are building host tools (BUILD_CC), not target tools.
Comment 3 Marcin Mirosław 2013-01-08 09:43:41 UTC
I'm not sure what kind of analysis you are expecting from me? I just only wanted to compile media-libs/netpbm using clang. I added to CFLAGS "-Oz" which isn't supported by gcc and noticed that gcc is invoked instead clang. Next I changed "-Oz" to "-O4" and started emerging once again. And I can see that sometimes gcc is invoked and sometimes clang (as you can see in build.log).
Comment 4 SpanKY gentoo-dev 2013-01-08 11:30:05 UTC
(In reply to comment #3)

like i said, doing `CC=clang emerge foo` and seeing gcc being run does *not* mean there is a bug.  you must look at *how* gcc is being invoked.  in this case, it's because of $BUILD_CC, not $CC, being used to generate *build time* tools.  those tools are not installed.