Can't get mol to start after I compiled 2.6.3benh2 kernel, get the following error # startmol --osx Mac-on-Linux 0.9.70-rc2-gentoo -gentoo [Mar 13 2004 23:13] Copyright (C) 1997-2004 Samuel Rydh Starting MOL session 1 Loading Mac-on-Linux kernel module: /usr/lib/mol/0.9.70/modules/2.6.3-benh2/mol.ko insmod: error inserting '/usr/lib/mol/0.9.70/modules/2.6.3-benh2/mol.ko': -1 Invalid module format ==================================================================== Failed to load the module - try recompiling the MOL kernel module. Instructions (and information about common problems) are available at <>. ==================================================================== I unmerge mol then emerge it back in but no luck, also modules-update did not fix the problem.
here is working fine, please paste emerge info and your attach your .config
has been a month (more) since last message, no reason to keep it open as it works for most people... greetings
So we can close it.