Created attachment 323654 [details, diff] Set umask to 0 before installing an app app-admin/webapp-config uses 'os.makedirs(dst_dir, perm(0o755))' to create new directories without any 'os.chown' after. If the configuration contains 'vhost_perms_serverowned_dir="0775"' or vhost_perms_serverowned_dir="g+w" those permissions will be filtered with the default python umask which is '022', resulting in a '0755' permission instead of a '0775' one. To reproduce: - set 'vhost_perms_serverowned_dir="0775"' - Install any webapp that have server-owned dirs (e.g. owncloud) - Verify the permission An easy way to fix that is to call 'os.umask(0)' before creating dirs, as proposed in the provided patch
Patch confirmed, sane patch :) blueness, commit whenever you want. It works.