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Bug 42922 - Preliminary Updated ebuild for UAE
Summary: Preliminary Updated ebuild for UAE
Alias: None
Product: Gentoo Linux
Classification: Unclassified
Component: [OLD] Games (show other bugs)
Hardware: x86 Linux
: High enhancement
Assignee: David Holm (RETIRED)
Depends on:
Reported: 2004-02-25 13:18 UTC by Jonathan Heaney
Modified: 2004-03-04 13:04 UTC (History)
1 user (show)

See Also:
Package list:
Runtime testing required: ---

Updated UAE ebuild (uae-0.8.25_pre20040223.ebuild,1.50 KB, application/octet-stream)
2004-02-25 13:19 UTC, Jonathan Heaney
Dirty script for SCSI support (install_libscg_gentoo,652 bytes, application/octet-stream)
2004-02-25 13:19 UTC, Jonathan Heaney
Another updated ebuild (uae-0.8.25_pre20040302.ebuild,1.38 KB, application/octet-stream)
2004-03-04 12:49 UTC, Jonathan Heaney

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Description Jonathan Heaney 2004-02-25 13:18:26 UTC

A new version of UAE has been released by Richard Drummond with numerous (as ever) enhancements, including-

SCSI support
CDTV support (requires scsi support)
CD32 support (requires scsi support)
CAPS IPF image support

I have modified the existing UAE ebuild to pull the new version, and also build with scsi/cdtv/cd32 support, but not caps.  I was hoping to start a discussion on how best to deal with this (see below).

As well as the ebuild, there is also an additional script (goes in the files dir), which gets used by the ebuild to pull in the required libs/headers required by UAE to build with SCSI support.  Now I've corresponded with Richard Drummond on this, and the next version (hopefully), will automatically detect the releveant headers/libs already installed on the system, thus making this dirty little script redundant.  The ebuild I have created specifically depends on the cdrtools package in order to provide the required files.

Now, as for CAPS support, this will get built by default with the latest UAE build if you have manually installed the headers/libs as provided in the development tarball available on the CAPS website.  This is under a different license to UAE, the C.A.P.S. Freeware License Agreement.  I think the best solution to this would be to create a CAPS ebuild, I have looked into it myself, but the libs are architecture dependent (PPC/i686), and my ebuild skills are insufficient to cater for this.  The UAE ebuild could then be modified to depend on CAPS.

David Holm was involved in the previous ebuild, David, if you get this, your input would certainly be appreciated.

(Actual files to follow)
Comment 1 Jonathan Heaney 2004-02-25 13:19:09 UTC
Created attachment 26346 [details]
Updated UAE ebuild
Comment 2 Jonathan Heaney 2004-02-25 13:19:50 UTC
Created attachment 26347 [details]
Dirty script for SCSI support
Comment 3 David Holm (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2004-02-25 13:36:02 UTC
Good work. I will look into this as soon as possible.
Comment 4 Jonathan Heaney 2004-02-26 17:03:10 UTC
According to Richard, a new UAE is imminent, which should fix some of the SCSI emu problems and (fingers crossed) look for the files required to build SCSI emu rather than having to pull them into the UAE source tree.
Comment 5 Jonathan Heaney 2004-02-26 17:06:48 UTC
As soon as that is out, I'll modify my ebuild to cater for any new features/functions.

That still leaves the issue of how to deal with CAPS unresolved.  I think that since CAPS isn't actually UAE specific that either

1. It should be up to the user to install the caps stuff before emerging uae
2. A caps ebuild should be created which uae depends on

I favour #2

As an aside, I've had a few audio problems with uae, and it seems that kernel 2.6.3-mm4 fixes a lot of them.
Comment 6 David Holm (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2004-02-26 17:49:56 UTC
You are probably right about CAPS. Since it's not part of UAE it is better to put it in a separate ebuild. I will try to write an ebuild for it this weekend that works on both x86 and ppc.
Thanks for helping me keep up to date on UAE. I've been very busy the last week.
Comment 7 Jonathan Heaney 2004-02-27 16:44:52 UTC

I'd have written one myself, but the Gentoo ebuild instructions don't go as far as explaining how to deal with doing different things depending on the architecture.  No doubt it would go something like:

available for ~x86, ~ppc and ~amd64
copy the {caps dir}/include/caps/capsimage.h into /usr/include/caps
if arch=ppc then copy {caps dir}/lib/ppc/ into /usr/lib
else (assumes x86 or amd64) copy {caps dir}/lib/i686/ into /usr/lib
ldconfig -v / (is this 'env-update' in an ebuild?)

Also I noticed you must have the CAPS license agreement installed in /usr/portage/licenses too, assuming the ebuild refers to that.  I don't know what the Gentoo policy on these things is, but using CAPS is a bit of a grey area since it allows reading of copyrighted/copy protected disks/images.

Also the question of where it would go in the portage tree.

I'm willing to update the actual uae ebuild myself; I've developed a decent rapport with Richard through email, he's asked if I'd be willing to help test his uae source so I'll have a good idea of where things are going with it.
Comment 8 David Holm (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2004-03-04 12:24:39 UTC
I have uploaded CAPS to games-emulation/caps and updated UAE to 0.8.25-20040302. Please test it. Thanks for the scsi script.
Comment 9 Jonathan Heaney 2004-03-04 12:49:38 UTC
Created attachment 26854 [details]
Another updated ebuild 


I've been in email contact with Richard today, and it seems the new UAE does
contain an undocumented configure option that allows it to build with SCSI
emulation _without_ that script I proposed.  The required option for scsi to
build on Gentoo is --with-libscg-includedir=/usr/include/scsilib.

Here is a slightly modified ebuild which removes references to that script, and
also removes the cdtv/cd32 lines - if you have scsi emulation enabled in
config, and uae finds it, it will default to building cdtv/cd32 emulation.

If you could modify this ebuild to depend on your new caps ebuild, and delete
that script I wrote from the files dir - I'll emerge sync in a few hours time
and hopefully the updates will be there.
Comment 10 David Holm (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2004-03-04 13:04:37 UTC
Done, thanks again.