sip doesn't support pypy so PyQt4 can't. USE_PYTHON="2.5 2.6 2.7 3.1 3.2" ebuild PyQt4-4.9.4.ebuild merge >>> Original instance of package unmerged safely. * Compilation and optimization of Python modules for CPython 2.5 [ ok ] * Compilation and optimization of Python modules for CPython 2.6 [ ok ] * Compilation and optimization of Python modules for CPython 2.7 [ ok ] * Compilation and optimization of Python modules for CPython 3.1 [ ok ] * Compilation and optimization of Python modules for CPython 3.2 [ ok ] >>> dev-python/PyQt4-4.9.4 merged.
02 Jul 2012; Davide Pesavento <> +PyQt4-4.9.4.ebuild, -PyQt4-4.9.3.ebuild: Version bump. (that's 2 days before this bug was filed...)