I installed gentoo linux 1.4 using the gaming-sources kernel (2.4.?), it ran pretty good! after i crashed it beyond repair, i decided to install it back again with gentoo-dev-sources (2.6.?), but linux will not boot: VFS kernel panic, cannot find root..... I was able to find out that the kernel cannot boot from the drive which is on a silicon image 680 ide 133. worked with 2.4 with the same configurations. I made sure to have chosen all the appropriate settings for the kernel before building it. and as a backup I also build another kernel with genkernel. my kernel get to the VFS kernel panic while the genkernel tells me that it cannot open the drive the root is on. I've read tons of posts, bug reports and everything related to lilo (which i am using) configurations, for both kernel 2.4 and 2.6, but now i know that it isn't the problem So my question is: Is the silicon image 680 still supported?? there is a silicon image driver in the 2.6 kernel but does it work?? Reproducible: Always Steps to Reproduce: 1.Install boot hard drive with linux on a silicon image 680 ide card 2. 3. Actual Results: VFS kernel panic (my kernel 2.6.3) or cannot find root device (genkernel kernel 2.6.3) Expected Results: Boot up the system amd k7 silicon image 680 ide 133 (2 hard drives on it, usually seen as hda and hdb) 2 cdroms on motherboard controller (seen as hdc and hdd) worked with kernel 2.4 cannot put hard drives on motherboard (splitted via + amd chipset is crappy) loaded both cmd 680 and silicon image 680 drivers in the kernel (NOT AS MODULES) devfs (NOT AS MODULE)
1) Can you please attach your kernel configuration? 2) What filesystem are you using for your root partition? 3) Can you try using the latest gentoo-dev-sources and genkernel?
This is another one that has gone stale. No response from the author, closing unless I hear otherwise.