After upgrading to polkit-0.106-r2, gdm (started via /etc/init.d/xdm) fails to work - it just hangs with a spinning cursor. Unfortunately, no errors are written into /var/log/gdm/*.log so I can't supply any more information
Everything was restarted; dbus, consolekit, xdm (or whatever the used display manager is) and all users were relogged into the system? Rebooting is recommended after upgrade to >= 0.106. /etc/polkit-1/rules.d and /usr/share/polkit-1/rules.d are owned by polkitd:root? /var/lib/polkit-1 is owned by polkitd:polkitd? All stale files are gone from /etc/polkit-1? Should propably only have /etc/polkit-1/rules.d/50-default.rules when debugging issues. You should see process "/usr/lib/polkit-1/polkitd --no-debug" in `ps auxf` output. If you rerun the polkitd without he --no-debug switch, it will print more information. This can be done from a shell, like `su` to polkitd user and run it from there, see output of /usr/lib/polkit-1/polkitd --help Also there is now /etc/pam.d/polkit-1, and since gdm doesn't use pambase and system-local-login, I'm not sure if gdm's /etc/pam.d files should somehow include the new polkit-1 now... But let's postpone this guess. See the stuff I've said on top.
And you read the postinst message of polkit that said to run usermod to change polkitd's home directory to /var/lib/polkit-1 if it's set to something else?
I was seeing this same behavior, and ran through your suggested checks, and /var/lib/polkit-1 was owned root:polkituser (or polkituser:root? i can't remember). I did "chown -R polkitd:polkitd /var/lib/polkit-1" and mine is back to normal. Thanks for the tips!
*** Bug 421825 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
So if none of the "hints" above work and you are still stuck with the issue, here is more stuff for you to try: polkit (unreviewed, pending on upstream reaction): gnome-shell patch that was committed to gnome git already:
In fact, closing the bug for now pending on testing / information