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Bug 4199 - Root partition not properly unmounted
Summary: Root partition not properly unmounted
Alias: None
Product: Gentoo Linux
Classification: Unclassified
Component: [OLD] Core system (show other bugs)
Hardware: x86 Linux
: High major
Assignee: Gentoo Linux bug wranglers
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Reported: 2002-06-26 12:09 UTC by Donald
Modified: 2003-02-04 19:42 UTC (History)
0 users

See Also:
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Runtime testing required: ---


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Description Donald 2002-06-26 12:09:37 UTC
When I shut down my system and reboot, it tells me that partition /dev/hdb2 
(my root partition) was not cleanly unmounted and forces an fsck. There are 
LOTS of errors. Last time it said I should fsck manually because it couldn't 
fix everything. I find this odd for a couple of reasons:  
1) I shutdown the system. I didn't just power it off.  
2) The root partition is ext3. Normally it SKIPS checking an ext3 partition 
unless you tell it otherwise. 
I had recently updated my system to the latest version of Gentoo, but I can't 
recall if this happened before the update or not. I just checked my fstab and 
mtab files, and they correctly refer to /dev/hdb2 as an ext3 partition. Also, 
I first noticed it after rebooting from within KDE 3.01. I can't tell if it 
will do it if reboot while not running KDE, but my root partition had so many 
errors last time I'm almost afraid to restart again. Any help you could offer 
will be greatly appreciated!
Comment 1 Donald 2002-06-26 13:56:59 UTC
 I rebooted with the rescue CD, fsck'ed the partition, then rebooted the 
system 3 times. Once from the CD, once from the CLI, and once from with KDE. 
There were no other apparent problems. If it happens again, I'll re-open this 
bug report, but it appears to be working for now. 
(Still, I did not at any point crash my system or reset it without shutting 
down properly. Not sure where the file system errors came from. At least 
they're gone for the time being. :)