* Messages for package media-video/qx11grab-0.4.3: * * Installation of a regular file is blocked by a directory: * '/usr/share/pixmaps/qx11grab.png' * This file will be merged with a different name: * '/usr/share/pixmaps/qx11grab.png.backup.0002' * I think you need to block <media-video/qx11grab-0.4.3 in ebuild
I thought this was fixed in 0.4.1-r2, so only versions earlier than that should be blocked. Are you sure you have 0.4.1-r2 installed?
Before installing 0.4.3 qx11grab-0.4.1-r2 was installed, most likely 0.4.1-r2 does not have problem, but it was installed after 0.3.2 without uninstalling it. Problem just migrated.
Ah you probably still have the directory from the old and broken ebuild lying around. Just remove /usr/share/pixmaps/qx11grab.png and /usr/share/pixmaps/qx11grab.png.backup.* , then re-emerge qx11grab and you'll be fine. I am quite reluctant to add a hard blocker because users would have to manually solve it, and the broken ebuild has been in the tree just for 2 hours, thus affecting only a very small subset of users (probably only you :P)