Consider a AVI file, with DEMUXER=avi, ID_VIDEO_FORMAT=XVID and ID_AUDIO_FORMAT=85. For which mplayer usesffmpeg, which itself uses libavcodec, which itself uses “[ffodivx] vfm: ffmpeg (FFmpeg MPEG-4)”, resulting in ID_VIDEO_CODEC=ffodivx. (And ID_AUDIO_CODEC=mpg123.) ———————————————————————————————————————— Playing it back (using mplayer) with “-lavdopts threads=2” results in a blank/black screen, but otherwise working playback. On the console, it first shows the error message [VD_FFMPEG] DRI-Versagen. # ← “Versagen” here means failure/malfunction. [mpeg4 @ 0x7fa24e953d00]get_buffer() failed (stride changed) and then it floods it with [mpeg4 @ 0x7fa24e953d00]get_buffer() failed (stride changed) Error while decoding frame! ———————————————————————————————————————— When doing the same, without the above option, everything works normally. ———————————————————————————————————————— • This is new, since I didn’t have it before my update on Friday. • Since I update once a week, on that day, it can only be a bug in a version that was added to portage after 2012-04-06. • I can reproduce this every time, as long as it’s that file/codec type. • If you need a video to test this on, I can help with that, if requested.
it works fine here with mplayer-1.1-r1 and recent ffmpeg versions, could you please try if it still fails with current ~arch versions ? and if it does, try e.g. ffmpeg-1.1.2 a lot of multithreading problems have been fixed in the last years