pybugz ebuild currently doesn't require python[ssl], but bugz is unable to perform a search, or estabilish a connection to, without python:2.7[ssl] support. - see bugz-search attachment I have attempted to override the https default with -b, but a 302 is returned, causing python to request the original https address - see bugz-search-b Using the --skip-auth, with the hope that the 302 would be avoided also fails to evade the problem - see bugz-search-b-skip_auth Please can you add python:2.7[ssl] RDEPEND to any pybugz ebuilds Thanks Reproducible: Always Steps to Reproduce: 1.USE="-ssl" emerge python:2.7 2.emerge pybugz 3.bugz search bugz Actual Results: ensure python:2.7 is emerged without ssl support. execute "bugz search bugz" python fails to handle the https request, and a traceback is generated Expected Results: HTTP is used where possible, e.g. search, and features which require python:2.7[ssl] e.g. logining in, creating bugs?, etc, return an error stating that python needs to be recompiled with ssl support. or a temporary fix: python is required to have ssl support, and bugz runs over https for all features, without bother. Bugz functionality should be seperated, http or https dependant features, and a "minimal" IUSE should be added to the ebuild, with RDEPEND !minimal python:2.7[ssl]. Gentoo bugzilla shouldn't require https when it's not necessary or beneficial.
Created attachment 299473 [details] bugz search bugz + traceback
Created attachment 299475 [details] bugz -b search bugz + traceback
Created attachment 299477 [details] bugz -b --skip-auth search bugz + traceback
Created attachment 299479 [details, diff] pybugz ebuild inc. RDEPEND python[ssl]
I'm not sure that requiring ssl is the fix we want, because that isn't really accurate. Gentoo's bugzilla forces ssl; pybugz doesn't require it to operate.
The issue is not with the pybugz software. Gentoo's bugzilla forces ssl, not pybugz, so I'm not comfortable with a hard requirement of ssl for pybugz.